편집 파일: dialog-advads-modal.js
// phpcs:disable Generic.WhiteSpace.ScopeIndent.IncorrectExact -- PHPCS can't handle es5 short functions const modal = element => { let termination; let targetForm; /** * Remove the pound sign from the location hash. * * @return {string} */ const getId = () => window.location.hash.replace( '#', '' ); const showModal = () => { element.showModal(); element.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent( 'advads-modal-opened' ) ); termination = new Advads_Termination( element ); if ( targetForm ) { termination.collectValues(); } }; /** * If the current hash matches the modal id attribute, open it. */ const showIfHashMatches = () => { if ( getId() === element.id ) { showModal(); } }; // Check whether to open modal on page load. showIfHashMatches(); /** * Listen to the hashchange event, to check if the current modal needs to be opened. */ window.addEventListener( 'hashchange', () => { showIfHashMatches(); if ( getId() !== 'close' ) { return; } if ( ! targetForm || termination.terminationNotice( true ) ) { element.close(); } } ); /** * Attach a click listener to all links referencing this modal and prevent their default action. * By changing the hash on every click, we also create a history entry. */ document.querySelectorAll( 'a[href$="#' + element.id + '"]' ).forEach( link => { link.addEventListener( 'click', e => { e.preventDefault(); showModal(); } ); } ); /** * On the cancel event, check for termination notice and fire a custom event. */ element.addEventListener( 'cancel', event => { event.preventDefault(); if ( ! targetForm ) { element.close(); return; } if ( termination.terminationNotice( true ) ) { element.close(); termination.observers.disconnect(); document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent( 'advads-modal-canceled', { detail: { modal_id: element.id } } ) ); } } ); /** * On the close event, i.e., a form got submit, empty the hash to prevent form from reopening. */ element.addEventListener( 'close', event => { if ( getId() === element.id ) { window.location.hash = ''; } } ); // try if there is a form inside the modal, otherwise continue in catch. targetForm = element.querySelector( 'form' ); if ( targetForm === null ) { try { targetForm = element.querySelector( 'button.advads-modal-close-action' ).form; } catch ( e ) { } } if ( targetForm ) { /** * Listen for the keydown event in all inputs. * If the enter key is pressed and the modal has a form, submit it, else do nothing. */ element.querySelectorAll( 'input' ).forEach( input => { input.addEventListener( 'keydown', e => { if ( e.key !== 'Enter' ) { return; } if ( targetForm.reportValidity() ) { targetForm.submit(); return; } // if there are inputs, but there is no form associated with them, do nothing. e.preventDefault(); } ); } ); targetForm.addEventListener( 'submit', () => { window.location.hash = ''; } ); } /** * On the cancel buttons, check termination notice and close the modal. */ element.querySelectorAll( '.advads-modal-close, .advads-modal-close-background' ).forEach( button => { button.addEventListener( 'click', e => { e.preventDefault(); element.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'cancel' ) ); } ); } ); try { /** * If the save button is not a `<button>` element. Close the form without changing the hash. */ element.querySelector( 'a.advads-modal-close-action' ).addEventListener( 'click', e => { e.preventDefault(); element.close(); } ); } catch ( e ) { } }; window.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', () => { try { if ( typeof document.querySelector( '.advads-modal[id^=modal-]' ).showModal !== 'function' ) { return; } } catch ( e ) { return; } [...document.getElementsByClassName( 'advads-modal' )].forEach( modal ); } );