편집 파일: class-ad-groups-list.php
<?php /** * Groups List Table class. * * @package Advanced Ads * @since 1.4.4 */ class Advanced_Ads_Groups_List { /** * Array with all groups * * @var $groups */ public $groups = array(); /** * Array with all ad group types * * @var $types */ public $types = array(); /** * Construct the current list */ public function __construct() { // set default vars. $this->taxonomy = Advanced_Ads::AD_GROUP_TAXONOMY; $this->post_type = Advanced_Ads::POST_TYPE_SLUG; $this->load_groups(); $this->types = $this->get_ad_group_types(); } /** * Load ad groups */ public function load_groups() { // load all groups. $search = ! empty( $_REQUEST['s'] ) ? trim( wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['s'] ) ) : ''; $args = array( 'taxonomy' => $this->taxonomy, 'search' => $search, 'hide_empty' => 0, ); // get wp term objects. $terms = Advanced_Ads::get_ad_groups( $args ); // add meta data to groups. $this->groups = $this->load_groups_objects_from_terms( $terms ); } /** * Load ad groups objects from wp term objects * * @param array $terms array of wp term objects. * * @return array */ protected function load_groups_objects_from_terms( array $terms ) { $groups = array(); foreach ( $terms as $_group ) { $groups[] = new Advanced_Ads_Group( $_group ); } return $groups; } /** * Render group list header */ public function render_header() { $file = ADVADS_BASE_PATH . 'admin/views/ad-group-list-header.php'; require_once $file; } /** * Render list rows */ public function render_rows() { foreach ( $this->groups as $_group ) { $this->render_row( $_group ); $this->render_form_row( $_group ); } } /** * Render a single row * * @param Advanced_Ads_Group $group the ad group object. */ public function render_row( Advanced_Ads_Group $group ) { $file = ADVADS_BASE_PATH . 'admin/views/ad-group-list-row.php'; require $file; } /** * Render the form row of a group * * @param Advanced_Ads_Group $group the ad group object. */ public function render_form_row( Advanced_Ads_Group $group ) { // query ads. $ads = $this->get_ads( $group ); $weights = $group->get_ad_weights( wp_list_pluck( $ads->posts, 'ID' ) ); $ad_form_rows = $weights; arsort( $ad_form_rows ); $max_weight = Advanced_Ads_Group::get_max_ad_weight( $ads->post_count ); // The Loop. if ( $ads->post_count ) { foreach ( $ads->posts as $_ad ) { $row = ''; $ad_id = $_ad->ID; $row .= '<tr data-ad-id="' . absint( $ad_id ) . '" data-group-id="' . absint( $group->id ) . '"><td>' . esc_html( $_ad->post_title ) . '</td><td>'; $row .= '<select name="advads-groups[' . absint( $group->id ) . '][ads][' . absint( $_ad->ID ) . ']">'; $ad_weight = ( isset( $weights[ $ad_id ] ) ) ? $weights[ $ad_id ] : Advanced_Ads_Group::MAX_AD_GROUP_DEFAULT_WEIGHT; for ( $i = 0; $i <= $max_weight; $i ++ ) { $row .= '<option ' . selected( $ad_weight, $i, false ) . '>' . $i . '</option>'; } $row .= '</select</td><td><button type="button" class="advads-remove-ad-from-group button">x</button></td></tr>'; $ad_form_rows[ $_ad->ID ] = $row; } } $ad_form_rows = $this->remove_empty_weights( $ad_form_rows ); // Restore original Post Data. wp_reset_postdata(); $ads_for_select = $this->ads_for_select(); $new_ad_weights = '<select class="advads-group-add-ad-list-weights">'; for ( $i = 0; $i <= $max_weight; $i ++ ) { $new_ad_weights .= '<option ' . selected( 10, $i, false ) . '>' . absint( $i ) . '</option>'; } $new_ad_weights .= '</select>'; require ADVADS_BASE_PATH . 'admin/views/ad-group-list-form-row.php'; } /** * Render the ads list * * @param Advanced_Ads_Group $group group object. */ public function render_ads_list( Advanced_Ads_Group $group ) { $ads = $this->get_ads( $group ); $weights = $group->get_ad_weights( wp_list_pluck( $ads->posts, 'ID' ) ); $published_ads = array_map( static function( WP_Post $post ) { return $post->ID; }, array_filter( $ads->posts, static function( WP_Post $post ) { return get_post_status( $post ) === 'publish'; } ) ); $weight_sum = array_sum( array_intersect_key( $weights, array_flip( $published_ads ) ) ); $ads_output = $weights; arsort( $ads_output ); // The Loop. if ( $ads->have_posts() ) { echo ( 'default' === $group->type && $weight_sum ) ? '<ul>' : '<ol>'; while ( $ads->have_posts() ) { $ads->the_post(); $line_output = '<li><a href="' . get_edit_post_link( get_the_ID() ) . '">' . esc_html( get_the_title() ) . '</a>'; if ( 'default' === $group->type && $weight_sum ) { $_weight = ( isset( $weights[ get_the_ID() ] ) ) ? $weights[ get_the_ID() ] : Advanced_Ads_Group::MAX_AD_GROUP_DEFAULT_WEIGHT; if ( get_post_status() !== 'publish' ) { $_weight = 0; } $line_output .= '<span class="ad-weight" title="' . __( 'Ad weight', 'advanced-ads' ) . '">' . number_format( ( $_weight / $weight_sum ) * 100 ) . '%</span>'; } $ad = new Advanced_Ads_Ad( get_the_ID() ); $expiry_date_format = get_option( 'date_format' ) . ', ' . get_option( 'time_format' ); $post_start = get_post_time( 'U', true, $ad->id ); $tz_option = get_option( 'timezone_string' ); if ( $post_start > time() ) { // translators: %s is a date. $line_output .= '<br />' . sprintf( __( 'starts %s', 'advanced-ads' ), get_date_from_gmt( date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $post_start ), $expiry_date_format ) ); } if ( isset( $ad->expiry_date ) && $ad->expiry_date ) { $expiry = $ad->expiry_date; $expiry_date = date_create( '@' . $expiry ); if ( $tz_option ) { $expiry_date->setTimezone( Advanced_Ads_Utils::get_wp_timezone() ); } else { $tz_name = Advanced_Ads_Utils::get_timezone_name(); $tz_offset = substr( $tz_name, 3 ); $off_time = date_create( '2017-09-21 T10:44:02' . $tz_offset ); $offset_in_sec = date_offset_get( $off_time ); $expiry_date = date_create( '@' . ( $expiry + $offset_in_sec ) ); } $tz = ' ( ' . Advanced_Ads_Utils::get_timezone_name() . ' )'; if ( $expiry > time() ) { // translators: %s is a date. $line_output .= '<br />' . sprintf( __( 'expires %s', 'advanced-ads' ), $expiry_date->format( $expiry_date_format ) ) . $tz; } elseif ( $expiry <= time() ) { // translators: %s is a date. $line_output .= '<br />' . sprintf( __( '<strong>expired</strong> %s', 'advanced-ads' ), $expiry_date->format( $expiry_date_format ) ) . $tz; } } $line_output .= '</li>'; $ads_output[ get_the_ID() ] = $line_output; } $ads_output = $this->remove_empty_weights( $ads_output ); echo implode( '', $ads_output ); echo ( 'default' === $group->type && $weight_sum ) ? '</ul>' : '</ol>'; if ( $ads->post_count > 4 ) { $hidden_ads = $ads->post_count - 3; echo '<p><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="advads-group-ads-list-show-more">+ ' . // translators: %d is a number. sprintf( __( 'show %d more ads', 'advanced-ads' ), $hidden_ads ) . '</a></p>'; } echo '<p>' . esc_html( $this->get_ad_count_string( $group, $ads ) ) . '</p>'; } else { esc_html_e( 'No ads assigned', 'advanced-ads' ); ?> <br/><a class="edit advads-add-ads">+ <?php esc_html_e( 'Add some', 'advanced-ads' ); ?></a> <?php } // Restore original Post Data. wp_reset_postdata(); } /** * Return the displayed ad count string * * @param Advanced_Ads_Group $group the ad group. * @param WP_Query $ads_query list of ads in group. * * @return string */ private function get_ad_count_string( $group, $ads_query ) { // Amount of displayed ads. $ad_count = $group->ad_count === 'all' ? $ads_query->post_count : $group->ad_count; /** * Filters the displayed ad count on the ad groups page. * * @param int $ad_count the amount of displayed ads. * @param Advanced_Ads_Group $group the current ad group. */ $ad_count = (int) apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-group-displayed-ad-count', $ad_count, $group ); /* translators: amount of ads displayed */ return sprintf( _n( 'Up to %d ad displayed.', 'Up to %d ads displayed', $ad_count, 'advanced-ads' ), $ad_count ); } /** * Remove entries from the ad weight array that are just id * * @param array $ads_output array with any output other that an integer. * * @return array $ads_output array with ad output. * @since 1.5.1 */ private function remove_empty_weights( array $ads_output ) { foreach ( $ads_output as $key => $value ) { if ( is_int( $value ) ) { unset( $ads_output[ $key ] ); } } return $ads_output; } /** * Get ads for this group * * @param Advanced_Ads_Group $group group object. * * @return WP_Query */ public function get_ads( $group ) { return new WP_Query( array( 'post_type' => $this->post_type, 'post_status' => array( 'publish', 'pending', 'future', 'private' ), 'taxonomy' => $group->taxonomy, 'term' => $group->slug, 'posts_per_page' => - 1, ) ); } /** * List of all ads to display in select dropdown * * @return array */ public function ads_for_select() { $select = array(); $model = Advanced_Ads::get_instance()->get_model(); // load all ads. $ads = $model->get_ads( array( 'orderby' => 'title', 'order' => 'ASC', ) ); foreach ( $ads as $_ad ) { $select[ $_ad->ID ] = esc_html( $_ad->post_title ); } return $select; } /** * Return ad group types * * @return array $types ad group information */ public function get_ad_group_types() { $types = array( 'default' => array( 'title' => __( 'Random ads', 'advanced-ads' ), 'description' => __( 'Display random ads based on ad weight', 'advanced-ads' ), ), 'ordered' => array( 'title' => __( 'Ordered ads', 'advanced-ads' ), 'description' => __( 'Display ads with the highest ad weight first', 'advanced-ads' ), ), ); return apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-group-types', $types ); } /** * Render ad group action links * * @param object $group group object. */ public function render_action_links( $group ) { global $tax; $tax = get_taxonomy( $this->taxonomy ); $actions = array(); if ( current_user_can( $tax->cap->edit_terms ) ) { $actions['edit'] = '<a class="edit">' . __( 'Edit', 'advanced-ads' ) . '</a>'; $actions['usage'] = '<a href="#modal-' . esc_attr( $group->id ) . '-usage" class="usage-modal-link">' . esc_html__( 'show usage', 'advanced-ads' ) . '</a>'; } if ( current_user_can( $tax->cap->delete_terms ) ) { $args = array( 'action' => 'delete', 'group_id' => $group->id, ); $delete_link = self::group_page_url( $args ); $actions['delete'] = "<a class='delete-tag' href='" . wp_nonce_url( $delete_link, 'delete-tag_' . $group->id ) . "'>" . __( 'Delete', 'advanced-ads' ) . '</a>'; } if ( ! count( $actions ) ) { return; } echo '<div class="row-actions">'; foreach ( $actions as $action => $link ) { echo "<span class='" . esc_attr( $action ) . "'>" . wp_kses( $link, array( 'a' => array( 'class' => array(), 'href' => array() ) ) ) . '</span>'; } echo '</div>'; } /** * Create a new group */ public function create_group() { // check nonce. if ( ! isset( $_POST['advads-group-add-nonce'] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['advads-group-add-nonce'], 'add-advads-groups' ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'invalid_ad_group', __( 'Invalid Ad Group', 'advanced-ads' ) ); } // check user rights. if ( ! current_user_can( Advanced_Ads_Plugin::user_cap( 'advanced_ads_edit_ads' ) ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'invalid_ad_group_rights', __( 'You don’t have permission to change the ad groups', 'advanced-ads' ) ); } if ( isset( $_POST['advads-group-name'] ) && '' !== $_POST['advads-group-name'] ) { $title = sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_POST['advads-group-name'] ) ); $new_group = wp_create_term( $title, Advanced_Ads::AD_GROUP_TAXONOMY ); if ( is_wp_error( $new_group ) ) { return $new_group; } // save default values. if ( is_array( $new_group ) ) { $group = new Advanced_Ads_Group( $new_group['term_id'] ); // allow other add-ons to save their own group attributes. $atts = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-group-save-atts', array( 'type' => 'default', 'ad_count' => 1, 'options' => array(), ), $group ); $group->save( $atts ); } // reload groups. $this->load_groups(); } else { return new WP_Error( 'no_ad_group_created', __( 'No ad group created', 'advanced-ads' ) ); } return true; } /** * Load groups with a given ad in them. * * @param integer $ad_id ad ID. * * @return array */ private function get_groups_by_ad_id( $ad_id ) { $ids = array(); $terms = wp_get_object_terms( $ad_id, $this->taxonomy ); foreach ( $terms as $term ) { $ids[] = $term->term_id; } return $ids; } /** * Bulk update groups */ public function update_groups() { // check nonce. if ( ! isset( $_POST['advads-group-update-nonce'] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['advads-group-update-nonce'], 'update-advads-groups' ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'invalid_ad_group', __( 'Invalid Ad Group', 'advanced-ads' ) ); } // check user rights. if ( ! current_user_can( Advanced_Ads_Plugin::user_cap( 'advanced_ads_edit_ads' ) ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'invalid_ad_group_rights', __( 'You don’t have permission to change the ad groups', 'advanced-ads' ) ); } /** Empty group settings * edit: emptying disabled, because when only a few groups are saved (e.g. when filtered by search), options are reset * todo: needs a solution that also removes options when the group is removed */ // empty weights. // update_option( 'advads-ad-weights', array() ); $all_weights = get_option( 'advads-ad-weights', array() ); $ad_groups_assoc = array(); if ( isset( $_POST['advads-groups-removed-ads'] ) && is_array( $_POST['advads-groups-removed-ads'] ) && isset( $_POST['advads-groups-removed-ads-gid'] ) ) { $len = count( $_POST['advads-groups-removed-ads'] ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i ++ ) { $ad_id = absint( wp_unslash( $_POST['advads-groups-removed-ads'][ $i ] ) ); $group_id = absint( wp_unslash( $_POST['advads-groups-removed-ads-gid'][ $i ] ) ); $ad_groups_assoc[ $ad_id ] = array(); // remove it from the weights. if ( isset( $all_weights[ $group_id ] ) && isset( $all_weights[ $group_id ][ $ad_id ] ) ) { unset( $all_weights[ $group_id ][ $ad_id ] ); } // we need to load all the group ids, that are allocated to this ad and then remove the right one only. $group_ids = $this->get_groups_by_ad_id( $ad_id ); foreach ( $group_ids as $gid ) { if ( $gid !== $group_id ) { $ad_groups_assoc[ $ad_id ][] = $gid; } } } } // iterate through groups. $post_ad_groups = isset( $_POST['advads-groups'] ) ? wp_unslash( $_POST['advads-groups'] ) : array(); if ( count( $post_ad_groups ) ) { foreach ( $post_ad_groups as $_group_id => $_group ) { // save basic wp term. wp_update_term( $_group_id, Advanced_Ads::AD_GROUP_TAXONOMY, $_group ); $group = new Advanced_Ads_Group( $_group['id'] ); if ( isset( $_group['ads'] ) && is_array( $_group['ads'] ) ) { foreach ( $_group['ads'] as $_ad_id => $_ad_weight ) { /** * Check if this ad is representing the current group and remove it in this case * could cause an infinite loop otherwise * see also /classes/ad_type_group.php::remove_from_ad_group() */ $ad = new Advanced_Ads_Ad( $_ad_id ); // we will have to load all the groups allocated to this ad. if ( ! isset( $ad_groups_assoc[ $_ad_id ] ) ) { $ad_groups_assoc[ $_ad_id ] = $this->get_groups_by_ad_id( $_ad_id ); } if ( isset( $ad->type ) && 'group' === $ad->type && isset( $ad->output['group_id'] ) && absint( $ad->output['group_id'] ) == $_group_id ) { unset( $_group['ads'][ $_ad_id ] ); } else { $ad_groups_assoc[ $_ad_id ][] = (int) $_group_id; } } // save ad weights. $all_weights[ $group->id ] = $this->sanitize_ad_weights( $_group['ads'] ); } // save other attributes. $type = isset( $_group['type'] ) ? $_group['type'] : 'default'; $ad_count = isset( $_group['ad_count'] ) ? $_group['ad_count'] : 1; $options = isset( $_group['options'] ) ? $_group['options'] : array(); // allow other add-ons to save their own group attributes. $atts = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-group-save-atts', array( 'type' => $type, 'ad_count' => $ad_count, 'options' => $options, ), $_group ); $group->save( $atts ); } foreach ( $ad_groups_assoc as $_ad_id => $group_ids ) { wp_set_object_terms( $_ad_id, $group_ids, $this->taxonomy ); }; } update_option( 'advads-ad-weights', $all_weights ); // reload groups. $this->load_groups(); return true; } /** * Returns a link to the ad group list page * * @param array $args additional arguments, e.g. action or group_id. * * @return string admin url * @since 1.0.0 */ public static function group_page_url( $args = array() ) { $plugin = Advanced_Ads::get_instance(); $default_args = array( 'page' => 'advanced-ads-groups', ); $args = $args + $default_args; return add_query_arg( $args, admin_url( 'admin.php' ) ); } /** * Sanitize ad weights. * Make sure keys (ad_ids) can be converted to positive integers and weights are integers as well. * * @param array $weights ad weights array with (key: ad id; value: weight). * * @return array */ private function sanitize_ad_weights( array $weights ) { $sanitized_weights = array(); foreach ( $weights as $ad_id => $weight ) { $ad_id_int = absint( $ad_id ); if ( $ad_id_int === 0 || array_key_exists( $ad_id_int, $sanitized_weights ) ) { continue; } $sanitized_weights[ $ad_id_int ] = absint( $weight ); } return $sanitized_weights; } }