편집 파일: notices.php
<?php // phpcs:ignoreFile /** * Array with admin notices */ $advanced_ads_admin_notices = apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-notices', [ // email tutorial. 'nl_intro' => [ 'type' => 'info', 'text' => Advanced_Ads_Admin_Notices::get_instance()->get_welcome_panel(), 'global' => true, ], // email tutorial. 'nl_first_steps' => [ 'type' => 'subscribe', 'text' => __( 'Thank you for activating <strong>Advanced Ads</strong>. Would you like to receive the first steps via email?', 'advanced-ads' ), 'confirm_text' => __( 'Yes, send it', 'advanced-ads' ), 'global' => true, ], // free add-ons. 'nl_free_addons' => [ 'type' => 'subscribe', 'text' => __( 'Thank you for using <strong>Advanced Ads</strong>. Stay informed and receive <strong>2 free add-ons</strong> for joining the newsletter.', 'advanced-ads' ), 'confirm_text' => __( 'Add me now', 'advanced-ads' ), 'global' => true, ], // adsense newsletter group. 'nl_adsense' => [ 'type' => 'subscribe', 'text' => __( 'Learn more about how and <strong>how much you can earn with AdSense</strong> and Advanced Ads from my dedicated newsletter.', 'advanced-ads' ), 'confirm_text' => __( 'Subscribe me now', 'advanced-ads' ), 'global' => true, ], // missing license codes. 'license_invalid' => [ 'type' => 'plugin_error', 'text' => __( 'One or more license keys for <strong>Advanced Ads add-ons are invalid or missing</strong>.', 'advanced-ads' ) . ' ' // translators: %s is a target URL. . sprintf( __( 'Please add valid license keys <a href="%s">here</a>.', 'advanced-ads' ), get_admin_url( null, 'admin.php?page=advanced-ads-settings#top#licenses' ) ), ], // please review. 'review' => [ 'type' => 'info', // 'text' => '<img src="' . ADVADS_BASE_URL . 'admin/assets/img/thomas.png" alt="Thomas" width="80" height="115" class="advads-review-image"/>' 'text' => '<div style="float: left; font-size: 4em; line-height: 1em; margin-right: 0.5em;">' . Advanced_Ads::get_number_of_ads() . '</div>' . '<div style="float:left;">' . '<p>' . __( '… ads created using <strong>Advanced Ads</strong>.', 'advanced-ads' ) . '</p>' . '<p>' . __( 'Do you find the plugin useful and would like to thank us for updates, fixing bugs and improving your ad setup?', 'advanced-ads' ) . '</p>' . '<p>' . // translators: this belongs to our message asking the user for a review. You can find a nice equivalent in your own language. __( 'When you give 5-stars, an actual person does a little happy dance!', 'advanced-ads' ) . '</p>' . '<p>' . '<span class="dashicons dashicons-external"></span> <strong><a href="https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/advanced-ads/reviews/?rate=5#new-post" target=_"blank">' . __( 'Sure, I appreciate your work', 'advanced-ads' ) . '</a></strong>' . ' <span class="dashicons dashicons-sos"></span> <a href="https://wpadvancedads.com/support/?utm_source=advanced-ads&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=notice-review" target=_"blank">' . __( 'Yes, but help me first to solve a problem, please', 'advanced-ads' ) . '</a>' . '</p></div>', 'global' => false, ], // Black Friday 2023 promotion. 'bfcm23' => [ 'type' => 'promo', 'text' => sprintf( /* translators: %1$s is the markup for the discount value, %2$s starts a button link, %3$s closes the button link. */ __( 'Save %1$s on all products with our Black Friday / Cyber Monday offer! %2$sGet this deal%3$s', 'advanced-ads' ), '<span style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.6em; vertical-align: sub;">30%</span>', '<a class="button button-primary" target="_blank" href="https://wpadvancedads.com/pricing/?utm_source=advanced-ads&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=bfcm-2024">', '</a>' ), 'global' => true, ], // Black Friday 2023 promotion. 'promo-10ya' => [ 'type' => 'promo', 'text' => sprintf( /* translators: %1$s is the markup for the discount value, %2$s starts a button link, %3$s closes the button link. */ __( 'Advanced Ads is turning 10! Come celebrate with us and enjoy a %1$s discount. %2$sSave now%3$s', 'advanced-ads' ), '<span style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.6em; vertical-align: sub;">30%</span>', '<a class="button button-primary" target="_blank" href="https://wpadvancedads.com/10-year-anniversary/?utm_source=advanced-ads&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=10ya">', '</a>' ), 'global' => true, ], ] );