편집 파일: class-api-ads.php
<?php /** * Auto Ads Creation from api. * * @package AdvancedAds * @author Advanced Ads <info@wpadvancedads.com> * @since 1.50.0 */ namespace AdvancedAds\Importers; use WP_Error; use Advanced_Ads; use AdvancedAds\Constants; use Advanced_Ads_Placements; use AdvancedAds\Framework\Utilities\Str; use AdvancedAds\Modules\OneClick\Helpers; use AdvancedAds\Interfaces\Importer as Interface_Importer; defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit; /** * Auto Ads Creation. */ class Api_Ads extends Importer implements Interface_Importer { /** * Author id * * @var int */ private $author_id = null; /** * Hold slot ids from database. * * @var array */ private $slots = []; /** * Get the unique identifier (ID) of the importer. * * @return string The unique ID of the importer. */ public function get_id(): string { return 'api_ads'; } /** * Get the title or name of the importer. * * @return string The title of the importer. */ public function get_title(): string { return __( 'Ads from API', 'advanced-ads' ); } /** * Get a description of the importer. * * @return string The description of the importer. */ public function get_description(): string { return __( 'For MonetizeMore clients using PubGuru, you will be able to create all of your new ads from api.', 'advanced-ads' ); } /** * Get the icon to this importer. * * @return string The icon for the importer. */ public function get_icon(): string { return '<span class="dashicons dashicons-media-spreadsheet"></span>'; } /** * Detect the importer in database. * * @return bool True if detected; otherwise, false. */ public function detect(): bool { return false; } /** * Render form. * * @return void */ public function render_form(): void {} /** * Import data. * * @return WP_Error|string */ public function import() { kses_remove_filters(); $this->fetch_created_slots(); // Final import create ads. $ads = Helpers::get_ads_from_config(); $ads = $this->normalize_ads( $ads ); if ( $ads ) { return $this->create_ads( $ads ); } } /** * Rollback import * * @param string $key Session key. * * @return void */ public function rollback( $key ): void { parent::rollback( $key ); $this->migrate_old_entities( $key, 'publish' ); } /** * Get ads from sheet by device * * @param array $ads Ads selected by user. * * @return string */ private function create_ads( $ads ): string { $count = 0; $history_key = $this->get_id() . '_' . wp_rand() . '_' . count( $ads ); $this->migrate_old_entities( $history_key, 'draft' ); foreach ( $ads as $data ) { $ad_options = [ 'type' => 'plain', ]; if ( 'all' !== $data['device'] ) { $ad_options['visitors'] = [ [ 'type' => 'mobile', 'value' => [ $data['device'] ], ], ]; } $ad_id = wp_insert_post( [ 'post_title' => '[Migrated from API] Ad # ' . $data['ad_unit'], 'post_content' => sprintf( '<pubguru data-pg-ad="%s"></pubguru>', $data['ad_unit'] ), 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_type' => Constants::POST_TYPE_AD, 'post_author' => $this->get_author_id(), 'meta_input' => [ 'pghb_slot_id' => $data['ad_unit'], 'advanced_ads_ad_options' => $ad_options, ], ] ); if ( $ad_id > 0 ) { ++$count; $placement = [ 'type' => $data['placement'], 'name' => '[Migrated from API] Placement # ' . $ad_id, 'item' => 'ad_' . $ad_id, 'options' => [], ]; if ( ! empty( $data['placement_conditions'] ) ) { $placement['options']['display'] = [ $data['placement_conditions'] ]; } if ( 'post_content' === $data['placement'] ) { $placement['options']['position'] = $data['in_content_position']; $placement['options']['index'] = $data['in_content_count']; $placement['options']['tag'] = $data['in_content_element']; $placement['options']['repeat'] = boolval( $data['in_content_repeat'] ); } Advanced_Ads_Placements::save_new_placement( $placement ); update_post_meta( $ad_id, '_importer_session_key', $history_key ); } } update_option( 'advanced-ads-importer-history', $history_key ); /* translators: 1: counts 2: Importer title */ return sprintf( __( '%1$d ads migrated from %2$s', 'advanced-ads' ), $count, $this->get_title() ); } /** * Maps the placement type to a corresponding value. * * This function takes a placement type as input and returns the corresponding value based on a predefined mapping. * * @param string $type The placement type to be mapped. * * @return string The mapped placement type value. */ private function map_placement_type( $type ): string { $type = strtolower( str_replace( ' ', '_', $type ) ); $hash = [ 'leaderboard' => 'post_top', 'in_content_1' => 'post_content', 'in_content_2' => 'post_content', 'sidebar' => 'sidebar_widget', ]; foreach ( $hash as $key => $value ) { if ( Str::contains( $type, $key ) ) { return $value; } } return 'post_content'; } /** * Parse display conditions * * @param string $term Dictionary term. * * @return array|null */ private function parse_display_conditions( $term ) { $term = str_replace( ' ', '_', strtolower( $term ) ); if ( 'all' === $term ) { return null; } if ( 'homepage' === $term ) { return [ 'type' => 'general', 'value' => [ 'is_front_page' ], ]; } if ( 'post_pages' === $term ) { return [ 'type' => 'general', 'value' => [ 'is_singular' ], ]; } if ( 'category_pages' === $term ) { return [ 'type' => 'general', 'value' => [ 'is_archive' ], ]; } } /** * Get author id * * @return int */ private function get_author_id(): int { if ( null !== $this->author_id ) { return $this->author_id; } $users = get_users( [ 'role' => 'Administrator', 'number' => 1, ] ); $this->author_id = isset( $users[0] ) ? $users[0]->ID : 0; return $this->author_id; } /** * Fetch created slots from database. * * @return void */ private function fetch_created_slots(): void { global $wpdb; $this->slots = $wpdb->get_col( // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.DirectDatabaseQuery.NoCaching, WordPress.DB.DirectDatabaseQuery.DirectQuery $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT meta_value FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE meta_key = %s", 'pghb_slot_id' ) ); } /** * Migrate old entities * * @param string $key Session key. * @param string $status Status of ads. * * @return void */ private function migrate_old_entities( $key, $status ): void { $args = [ 'post_type' => [ Constants::POST_TYPE_AD, Constants::POST_TYPE_PLACEMENT ], 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_status' => 'publish', ]; if ( 'publish' === $status ) { $args['post_status'] = 'draft'; $args['meta_query'] = [ // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.SlowDBQuery.slow_db_query_meta_query [ 'key' => '_importer_session_key', 'value' => $key . '_draft', ], ]; } $entities = get_posts( $args ); foreach ( $entities as $entity ) { if ( 'draft' === $status ) { $entity->meta_input = [ '_importer_session_key' => $key . '_draft', '_importer_old_status' => $entity->post_status, ]; $entity->post_status = 'draft'; } elseif ( 'publish' === $status ) { $entity->post_status = $entity->_importer_old_status; } wp_update_post( $entity ); } // Old placements rollback. if ( 'draft' === $status ) { $placements = Advanced_Ads::get_instance()->get_model()->get_ad_placements_array(); update_option( 'advanced-ads-placements-backup', $placements ); Advanced_Ads::get_instance()->get_model()->update_ad_placements_array( [] ); } elseif ( 'publish' === $status ) { $placements = get_option( 'advanced-ads-placements-backup', [] ); Advanced_Ads::get_instance()->get_model()->update_ad_placements_array( $placements ); } } /** * Normalize ads * * @param array $ads Ads from api. * * @return array */ private function normalize_ads( $ads ): array { $normalized = []; $in_content = [ 'in-content1' => [ 'count' => 3, 'position' => 'after', 'repeat' => false, ], 'in-content2' => [ 'count' => 5, 'position' => 'after', 'repeat' => false, ], 'in-content3' => [ 'count' => 7, 'position' => 'after', 'repeat' => true, ], ]; foreach ( $ads as $ad ) { // already created. if ( in_array( $ad['slot'], $this->slots, true ) ) { continue; } foreach ( $in_content as $key => $value ) { $matches = []; preg_match( '/.*in[-_]?content[_-]?(\d+).*/', $ad['slot'], $matches ); if ( ! empty( $matches ) && ( 'in-content' . $matches[1] ) === $key ) { if ( empty( $ad['in_content_count'] ) ) { $ad['in_content_count'] = $value['count']; } if ( empty( $ad['in_content_position'] ) ) { $ad['in_content_position'] = $value['position']; } if ( empty( $ad['in_content_repeat'] ) ) { $ad['in_content_repeat'] = $value['repeat']; } break; } } $normalized[] = [ 'ad_unit' => $ad['slot'], 'device' => $ad['device'], 'placement' => $this->map_placement_type( $ad['slot'] ), 'placement_conditions' => $this->parse_display_conditions( $data['placement_conditions'] ?? 'all' ), 'in_content_position' => $ad['in_content_position'] ?? 'before', 'in_content_count' => $ad['in_content_count'] ?? 1, 'in_content_element' => $ad['in_content_element'] ?? 'p', 'in_content_repeat' => $ad['in_content_repeat'] ?? false, ]; } return $normalized; } }