편집 파일: class-wpcode-notifications.php
<?php /** * Notifications from remote source. * * @package WPCode */ /** * Notifications. */ class WPCode_Notifications { /** * Source of notifications content. * * @var string */ const SOURCE_URL = 'https://plugin.wpcode.com/wp-content/notifications.json'; /** * Option value. * * @var bool|array */ public $option = false; /** * The name of the option used to store the data. * * @var string */ public static $option_name = 'wpcode_notifications'; /** * WPCode_Notifications constructor. */ public function __construct() { $this->init(); } /** * Initialize class. */ public function init() { $this->hooks(); } /** * Register hooks. */ public function hooks() { add_action( 'wp_ajax_wpcode_notification_dismiss', array( $this, 'dismiss' ) ); add_action( 'wpcode_admin_notifications_update', array( $this, 'update' ) ); } /** * Check if user has access and is enabled. * * @return bool */ public function has_access() { return apply_filters( 'wpcode_admin_notifications_has_access', ! wpcode()->settings->get_option( 'hide_am_notices', false ) ); } /** * Get option value. * * @param bool $cache Reference property cache if available. * * @return array */ public function get_option( $cache = true ) { if ( $this->option && $cache ) { return $this->option; } $option = get_option( self::$option_name, array() ); $this->option = array( 'update' => ! empty( $option['update'] ) ? $option['update'] : 0, 'events' => ! empty( $option['events'] ) ? $option['events'] : array(), 'feed' => ! empty( $option['feed'] ) ? $option['feed'] : array(), 'dismissed' => ! empty( $option['dismissed'] ) ? $option['dismissed'] : array(), ); return $this->option; } /** * Fetch notifications from feed. * * @return array */ public function fetch_feed() { $res = wp_remote_get( self::SOURCE_URL ); if ( is_wp_error( $res ) ) { return array(); } $body = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $res ); if ( empty( $body ) ) { return array(); } return $this->verify( json_decode( $body, true ) ); } /** * Verify notification data before it is saved. * * @param array $notifications Array of notifications items to verify. * * @return array * @since {VERSION} */ public function verify( $notifications ) { $data = array(); if ( ! is_array( $notifications ) || empty( $notifications ) ) { return $data; } $option = $this->get_option(); foreach ( $notifications as $notification ) { // The message and license should never be empty, if they are, ignore. if ( empty( $notification['content'] ) || empty( $notification['type'] ) ) { continue; } // Ignore if notification is not ready to display(based on start time). if ( ! empty( $notification['start'] ) && time() < strtotime( $notification['start'] ) ) { continue; } // Ignore if expired. if ( ! empty( $notification['end'] ) && time() > strtotime( $notification['end'] ) ) { continue; } // Check that the license type matches. if ( ! in_array( $this->get_license_type(), (array) $notification['type'], true ) ) { continue; } // Ignore if notification has already been dismissed. $notification_already_dismissed = false; if ( is_array( $option['dismissed'] ) && ! empty( $option['dismissed'] ) ) { foreach ( $option['dismissed'] as $dismiss_notification ) { if ( $notification['id'] === $dismiss_notification['id'] ) { $notification_already_dismissed = true; break; } } } if ( true === $notification_already_dismissed ) { continue; } // Ignore if notification existed before installing WPCode. // Prevents bombarding the user with notifications after activation. $activated = get_option( 'ihaf_activated', array() ); if ( ! empty( $activated['wpcode'] ) && ! empty( $notification['start'] ) && $activated['wpcode'] > strtotime( $notification['start'] ) ) { continue; } $data[] = $notification; } return $data; } /** * Verify saved notification data for active notifications. * * @param array $notifications Array of notifications items to verify. * * @return array */ public function verify_active( $notifications ) { if ( ! is_array( $notifications ) || empty( $notifications ) ) { return array(); } // Remove notifications that are not active, or if the license type not exists. foreach ( $notifications as $key => $notification ) { if ( ( ! empty( $notification['start'] ) && time() < strtotime( $notification['start'] ) ) || ( ! empty( $notification['end'] ) && time() > strtotime( $notification['end'] ) ) ) { unset( $notifications[ $key ] ); } } return $notifications; } /** * Get notification data. * * @return array */ public function get() { if ( ! $this->has_access() ) { return array(); } $option = $this->get_option(); // Update notifications using async task. if ( empty( $option['update'] ) || time() > $option['update'] + DAY_IN_SECONDS ) { if ( false === wp_next_scheduled( 'wpcode_admin_notifications_update' ) ) { wp_schedule_single_event( time(), 'wpcode_admin_notifications_update' ); } } $events = ! empty( $option['events'] ) ? $this->verify_active( $option['events'] ) : array(); $feed = ! empty( $option['feed'] ) ? $this->verify_active( $option['feed'] ) : array(); $notifications = array(); $notifications['active'] = array_merge( $events, $feed ); $notifications['active'] = $this->get_notifications_with_human_readeable_start_time( $notifications['active'] ); $notifications['active'] = $this->get_notifications_with_formatted_content( $notifications['active'] ); $notifications['dismissed'] = ! empty( $option['dismissed'] ) ? $option['dismissed'] : array(); $notifications['dismissed'] = $this->get_notifications_with_human_readeable_start_time( $notifications['dismissed'] ); $notifications['dismissed'] = $this->get_notifications_with_formatted_content( $notifications['dismissed'] ); return $notifications; } /** * Improve format of the content of notifications before display. By default, it just runs wpautop. * * @param array $notifications The notifications to be parsed. * * @return array */ public function get_notifications_with_formatted_content( $notifications ) { if ( ! is_array( $notifications ) || empty( $notifications ) ) { return $notifications; } foreach ( $notifications as $key => $notification ) { if ( ! empty( $notification['content'] ) ) { $notifications[ $key ]['content'] = wpautop( $notification['content'] ); $notifications[ $key ]['content'] = apply_filters( 'wpcode_notification_content_display', $notifications[ $key ]['content'] ); } } return $notifications; } /** * Get notifications start time with human time difference * * @param array $notifications The array of notifications to convert. * * @return array */ public function get_notifications_with_human_readeable_start_time( $notifications ) { if ( ! is_array( $notifications ) || empty( $notifications ) ) { return array(); } foreach ( $notifications as $key => $notification ) { if ( empty( $notification['start'] ) ) { continue; } // Translators: Human-Readable time to display. $modified_start_time = sprintf( __( '%1$s ago', 'insert-headers-and-footers' ), human_time_diff( strtotime( $notification['start'] ), time() ) ); $notifications[ $key ]['start'] = $modified_start_time; } return $notifications; } /** * Get active notifications. * * @return array $notifications['active'] active notifications */ public function get_active_notifications() { $notifications = $this->get(); // Show only 5 active notifications plus any that has a priority of 1. $all_active = isset( $notifications['active'] ) ? $notifications['active'] : array(); $displayed = array(); foreach ( $all_active as $notification ) { if ( ( isset( $notification['priority'] ) && 1 === $notification['priority'] ) || count( $displayed ) < 5 ) { $displayed[] = $notification; } } return $displayed; } /** * Get dismissed notifications. * * @return array $notifications['dismissed'] dismissed notifications */ public function get_dismissed_notifications() { $notifications = $this->get(); return isset( $notifications['dismissed'] ) ? $notifications['dismissed'] : array(); } /** * Get notification count. * * @return int */ public function get_count() { return count( $this->get_active_notifications() ); } /** * Get the dismissed notifications count. * * @return int */ public function get_dismissed_count() { return count( $this->get_dismissed_notifications() ); } /** * Check if a notification has been dismissed before * * @param array $notification The notification to check if is dismissed. * * @return bool */ public function is_dismissed( $notification ) { if ( empty( $notification['id'] ) ) { return true; } $option = $this->get_option(); foreach ( $option['dismissed'] as $item ) { if ( $item['id'] === $notification['id'] ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Add a manual notification event. * * @param array $notification Notification data. */ public function add( $notification ) { if ( empty( $notification['id'] ) || $this->is_dismissed( $notification ) ) { return false; } $option = $this->get_option(); $current_notifications = $option['events']; foreach ( $current_notifications as $item ) { if ( $item['id'] === $notification['id'] ) { return false; } } $notification = $this->verify( array( $notification ) ); $notifications = array_merge( $notification, $current_notifications ); // Sort notifications by priority. usort( $notifications, function ( $a, $b ) { if ( ! isset( $a['priority'] ) || ! isset( $b['priority'] ) ) { return 0; } if ( $a['priority'] === $b['priority'] ) { return 0; } return $a['priority'] < $b['priority'] ? - 1 : 1; } ); update_option( self::$option_name, array( 'update' => $option['update'], 'feed' => $option['feed'], 'events' => $notifications, 'dismissed' => $option['dismissed'], ), false ); return true; } /** * Update notification data from feed. * * @since {VERSION} */ public function update() { $feed = $this->fetch_feed(); $option = $this->get_option(); update_option( self::$option_name, array( 'update' => time(), 'feed' => $feed, 'events' => $option['events'], 'dismissed' => array_slice( $option['dismissed'], 0, 30 ), // Limit dismissed notifications to last 30. ), false ); } /** * Dismiss notification via AJAX. */ public function dismiss() { // Run a security check. check_ajax_referer( 'wpcode_admin', 'nonce' ); // Check for access and required param. if ( ! $this->has_access() || empty( $_POST['id'] ) ) { wp_send_json_error(); } $id = sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_POST['id'] ) ); $option = $this->get_option(); // Dismiss all notifications and add them to dissmiss array. if ( 'all' === $id ) { if ( is_array( $option['feed'] ) && ! empty( $option['feed'] ) ) { foreach ( $option['feed'] as $key => $notification ) { array_unshift( $option['dismissed'], $notification ); unset( $option['feed'][ $key ] ); } } if ( is_array( $option['events'] ) && ! empty( $option['events'] ) ) { foreach ( $option['events'] as $key => $notification ) { array_unshift( $option['dismissed'], $notification ); unset( $option['events'][ $key ] ); } } } $type = is_numeric( $id ) ? 'feed' : 'events'; // Remove notification and add in dismissed array. if ( is_array( $option[ $type ] ) && ! empty( $option[ $type ] ) ) { foreach ( $option[ $type ] as $key => $notification ) { if ( $notification['id'] == $id ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.StrictComparisons // Add notification to dismissed array. array_unshift( $option['dismissed'], $notification ); // Remove notification from feed or events. unset( $option[ $type ][ $key ] ); break; } } } update_option( self::$option_name, $option, false ); wp_send_json_success(); } /** * Delete the notification options. */ public static function delete_notifications_data() { delete_option( self::$option_name ); } /** * Get the license type for the current plugin. * * @return string */ public function get_license_type() { return 'lite'; } }