편집 파일: primordials.js
'use strict' /* This file is a reduced and adapted version of the main lib/internal/per_context/primordials.js file defined at https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/lib/internal/per_context/primordials.js Don't try to replace with the original file and keep it up to date with the upstream file. */ module.exports = { ArrayIsArray(self) { return Array.isArray(self) }, ArrayPrototypeIncludes(self, el) { return self.includes(el) }, ArrayPrototypeIndexOf(self, el) { return self.indexOf(el) }, ArrayPrototypeJoin(self, sep) { return self.join(sep) }, ArrayPrototypeMap(self, fn) { return self.map(fn) }, ArrayPrototypePop(self, el) { return self.pop(el) }, ArrayPrototypePush(self, el) { return self.push(el) }, ArrayPrototypeSlice(self, start, end) { return self.slice(start, end) }, Error, FunctionPrototypeCall(fn, thisArgs, ...args) { return fn.call(thisArgs, ...args) }, FunctionPrototypeSymbolHasInstance(self, instance) { return Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance].call(self, instance) }, MathFloor: Math.floor, Number, NumberIsInteger: Number.isInteger, NumberIsNaN: Number.isNaN, NumberMAX_SAFE_INTEGER: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, NumberMIN_SAFE_INTEGER: Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, NumberParseInt: Number.parseInt, ObjectDefineProperties(self, props) { return Object.defineProperties(self, props) }, ObjectDefineProperty(self, name, prop) { return Object.defineProperty(self, name, prop) }, ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(self, name) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(self, name) }, ObjectKeys(obj) { return Object.keys(obj) }, ObjectSetPrototypeOf(target, proto) { return Object.setPrototypeOf(target, proto) }, Promise, PromisePrototypeCatch(self, fn) { return self.catch(fn) }, PromisePrototypeThen(self, thenFn, catchFn) { return self.then(thenFn, catchFn) }, PromiseReject(err) { return Promise.reject(err) }, ReflectApply: Reflect.apply, RegExpPrototypeTest(self, value) { return self.test(value) }, SafeSet: Set, String, StringPrototypeSlice(self, start, end) { return self.slice(start, end) }, StringPrototypeToLowerCase(self) { return self.toLowerCase() }, StringPrototypeToUpperCase(self) { return self.toUpperCase() }, StringPrototypeTrim(self) { return self.trim() }, Symbol, SymbolAsyncIterator: Symbol.asyncIterator, SymbolHasInstance: Symbol.hasInstance, SymbolIterator: Symbol.iterator, TypedArrayPrototypeSet(self, buf, len) { return self.set(buf, len) }, Uint8Array }