편집 파일: audit.js
// mixin implementing the audit method const AuditReport = require('../audit-report.js') // shared with reify const _global = Symbol.for('global') const _workspaces = Symbol.for('workspaces') const _includeWorkspaceRoot = Symbol.for('includeWorkspaceRoot') module.exports = cls => class Auditor extends cls { async audit (options = {}) { this.addTracker('audit') if (this[_global]) { throw Object.assign( new Error('`npm audit` does not support testing globals'), { code: 'EAUDITGLOBAL' } ) } // allow the user to set options on the ctor as well. // XXX: deprecate separate method options objects. options = { ...this.options, ...options } process.emit('time', 'audit') const tree = await this.loadVirtual() if (this[_workspaces] && this[_workspaces].length) { options.filterSet = this.workspaceDependencySet( tree, this[_workspaces], this[_includeWorkspaceRoot] ) } if (!options.workspacesEnabled) { options.filterSet = this.excludeWorkspacesDependencySet(tree) } this.auditReport = await AuditReport.load(tree, options) const ret = options.fix ? this.reify(options) : this.auditReport process.emit('timeEnd', 'audit') this.finishTracker('audit') return ret } }