편집 파일: build-ideal-tree.js
// mixin implementing the buildIdealTree method const localeCompare = require('@isaacs/string-locale-compare')('en') const rpj = require('read-package-json-fast') const npa = require('npm-package-arg') const pacote = require('pacote') const cacache = require('cacache') const promiseCallLimit = require('promise-call-limit') const realpath = require('../../lib/realpath.js') const { resolve, dirname } = require('path') const treeCheck = require('../tree-check.js') const { readdirScoped } = require('@npmcli/fs') const { lstat, readlink } = require('fs/promises') const { depth } = require('treeverse') const log = require('proc-log') const { cleanUrl } = require('npm-registry-fetch') const { OK, REPLACE, CONFLICT, } = require('../can-place-dep.js') const PlaceDep = require('../place-dep.js') const debug = require('../debug.js') const fromPath = require('../from-path.js') const calcDepFlags = require('../calc-dep-flags.js') const Shrinkwrap = require('../shrinkwrap.js') const { defaultLockfileVersion } = Shrinkwrap const Node = require('../node.js') const Link = require('../link.js') const addRmPkgDeps = require('../add-rm-pkg-deps.js') const optionalSet = require('../optional-set.js') const { checkEngine, checkPlatform } = require('npm-install-checks') const relpath = require('../relpath.js') // note: some of these symbols are shared so we can hit // them with unit tests and reuse them across mixins const _complete = Symbol('complete') const _depsSeen = Symbol('depsSeen') const _depsQueue = Symbol('depsQueue') const _currentDep = Symbol('currentDep') const _updateAll = Symbol.for('updateAll') const _mutateTree = Symbol('mutateTree') const _flagsSuspect = Symbol.for('flagsSuspect') const _workspaces = Symbol.for('workspaces') const _prune = Symbol('prune') const _preferDedupe = Symbol('preferDedupe') const _parseSettings = Symbol('parseSettings') const _initTree = Symbol('initTree') const _applyUserRequests = Symbol('applyUserRequests') const _applyUserRequestsToNode = Symbol('applyUserRequestsToNode') const _inflateAncientLockfile = Symbol('inflateAncientLockfile') const _buildDeps = Symbol('buildDeps') const _buildDepStep = Symbol('buildDepStep') const _nodeFromEdge = Symbol('nodeFromEdge') const _nodeFromSpec = Symbol('nodeFromSpec') const _fetchManifest = Symbol('fetchManifest') const _problemEdges = Symbol('problemEdges') const _manifests = Symbol('manifests') const _loadWorkspaces = Symbol.for('loadWorkspaces') const _linkFromSpec = Symbol('linkFromSpec') const _loadPeerSet = Symbol('loadPeerSet') const _updateNames = Symbol.for('updateNames') const _fixDepFlags = Symbol('fixDepFlags') const _resolveLinks = Symbol('resolveLinks') const _rootNodeFromPackage = Symbol('rootNodeFromPackage') const _add = Symbol('add') const _resolvedAdd = Symbol.for('resolvedAdd') const _queueNamedUpdates = Symbol('queueNamedUpdates') const _queueVulnDependents = Symbol('queueVulnDependents') const _avoidRange = Symbol('avoidRange') const _shouldUpdateNode = Symbol('shouldUpdateNode') const resetDepFlags = require('../reset-dep-flags.js') const _loadFailures = Symbol('loadFailures') const _pruneFailedOptional = Symbol('pruneFailedOptional') const _linkNodes = Symbol('linkNodes') const _follow = Symbol('follow') const _installStrategy = Symbol('installStrategy') const _globalRootNode = Symbol('globalRootNode') const _usePackageLock = Symbol.for('usePackageLock') const _rpcache = Symbol.for('realpathCache') const _stcache = Symbol.for('statCache') const _strictPeerDeps = Symbol('strictPeerDeps') const _checkEngineAndPlatform = Symbol('checkEngineAndPlatform') const _virtualRoots = Symbol('virtualRoots') const _virtualRoot = Symbol('virtualRoot') const _includeWorkspaceRoot = Symbol.for('includeWorkspaceRoot') const _failPeerConflict = Symbol('failPeerConflict') const _explainPeerConflict = Symbol('explainPeerConflict') const _edgesOverridden = Symbol('edgesOverridden') // exposed symbol for unit testing the placeDep method directly const _peerSetSource = Symbol.for('peerSetSource') // used by Reify mixin const _force = Symbol.for('force') const _explicitRequests = Symbol('explicitRequests') const _global = Symbol.for('global') const _idealTreePrune = Symbol.for('idealTreePrune') module.exports = cls => class IdealTreeBuilder extends cls { constructor (options) { super(options) // normalize trailing slash const registry = options.registry || 'https://registry.npmjs.org' options.registry = this.registry = registry.replace(/\/+$/, '') + '/' const { follow = false, force = false, global = false, installStrategy = 'hoisted', idealTree = null, includeWorkspaceRoot = false, installLinks = false, legacyPeerDeps = false, packageLock = true, strictPeerDeps = false, workspaces = [], } = options this[_workspaces] = workspaces || [] this[_force] = !!force this[_strictPeerDeps] = !!strictPeerDeps this.idealTree = idealTree this.installLinks = installLinks this.legacyPeerDeps = legacyPeerDeps this[_usePackageLock] = packageLock this[_global] = !!global this[_installStrategy] = global ? 'shallow' : installStrategy this[_follow] = !!follow if (this[_workspaces].length && this[_global]) { throw new Error('Cannot operate on workspaces in global mode') } this[_explicitRequests] = new Set() this[_preferDedupe] = false this[_depsSeen] = new Set() this[_depsQueue] = [] this[_currentDep] = null this[_updateNames] = [] this[_updateAll] = false this[_mutateTree] = false this[_loadFailures] = new Set() this[_linkNodes] = new Set() this[_manifests] = new Map() this[_edgesOverridden] = new Set() this[_resolvedAdd] = [] // a map of each module in a peer set to the thing that depended on // that set of peers in the first place. Use a WeakMap so that we // don't hold onto references for nodes that are garbage collected. this[_peerSetSource] = new WeakMap() this[_virtualRoots] = new Map() this[_includeWorkspaceRoot] = includeWorkspaceRoot } get explicitRequests () { return new Set(this[_explicitRequests]) } // public method async buildIdealTree (options = {}) { if (this.idealTree) { return this.idealTree } // allow the user to set reify options on the ctor as well. // XXX: deprecate separate reify() options object. options = { ...this.options, ...options } // an empty array or any falsey value is the same as null if (!options.add || options.add.length === 0) { options.add = null } if (!options.rm || options.rm.length === 0) { options.rm = null } process.emit('time', 'idealTree') if (!options.add && !options.rm && !options.update && this[_global]) { throw new Error('global requires add, rm, or update option') } // first get the virtual tree, if possible. If there's a lockfile, then // that defines the ideal tree, unless the root package.json is not // satisfied by what the ideal tree provides. // from there, we start adding nodes to it to satisfy the deps requested // by the package.json in the root. this[_parseSettings](options) // start tracker block this.addTracker('idealTree') try { await this[_initTree]() await this[_inflateAncientLockfile]() await this[_applyUserRequests](options) await this[_buildDeps]() await this[_fixDepFlags]() await this[_pruneFailedOptional]() await this[_checkEngineAndPlatform]() } finally { process.emit('timeEnd', 'idealTree') this.finishTracker('idealTree') } return treeCheck(this.idealTree) } async [_checkEngineAndPlatform] () { const { engineStrict, npmVersion, nodeVersion } = this.options for (const node of this.idealTree.inventory.values()) { if (!node.optional) { try { checkEngine(node.package, npmVersion, nodeVersion, this[_force]) } catch (err) { if (engineStrict) { throw err } log.warn(err.code, err.message, { package: err.pkgid, required: err.required, current: err.current, }) } checkPlatform(node.package, this[_force]) } } } [_parseSettings] (options) { const update = options.update === true ? { all: true } : Array.isArray(options.update) ? { names: options.update } : options.update || {} if (update.all || !Array.isArray(update.names)) { update.names = [] } this[_complete] = !!options.complete this[_preferDedupe] = !!options.preferDedupe // validates list of update names, they must // be dep names only, no semver ranges are supported for (const name of update.names) { const spec = npa(name) const validationError = new TypeError(`Update arguments must only contain package names, eg: npm update ${spec.name}`) validationError.code = 'EUPDATEARGS' // If they gave us anything other than a bare package name if (spec.raw !== spec.name) { throw validationError } } this[_updateNames] = update.names this[_updateAll] = update.all // we prune by default unless explicitly set to boolean false this[_prune] = options.prune !== false // set if we add anything, but also set here if we know we'll make // changes and thus have to maybe prune later. this[_mutateTree] = !!( options.add || options.rm || update.all || update.names.length ) } // load the initial tree, either the virtualTree from a shrinkwrap, // or just the root node from a package.json [_initTree] () { process.emit('time', 'idealTree:init') return ( this[_global] ? this[_globalRootNode]() : rpj(this.path + '/package.json').then( pkg => this[_rootNodeFromPackage](pkg), er => { if (er.code === 'EJSONPARSE') { throw er } return this[_rootNodeFromPackage]({}) } )) .then(root => this[_loadWorkspaces](root)) // ok to not have a virtual tree. probably initial install. // When updating all, we load the shrinkwrap, but don't bother // to build out the full virtual tree from it, since we'll be // reconstructing it anyway. .then(root => this[_global] ? root : !this[_usePackageLock] || this[_updateAll] ? Shrinkwrap.reset({ path: this.path, lockfileVersion: this.options.lockfileVersion, resolveOptions: this.options, }).then(meta => Object.assign(root, { meta })) : this.loadVirtual({ root })) // if we don't have a lockfile to go from, then start with the // actual tree, so we only make the minimum required changes. // don't do this for global installs or updates, because in those // cases we don't use a lockfile anyway. // Load on a new Arborist object, so the Nodes aren't the same, // or else it'll get super confusing when we change them! .then(async root => { if ((!this[_updateAll] && !this[_global] && !root.meta.loadedFromDisk) || (this[_global] && this[_updateNames].length)) { await new this.constructor(this.options).loadActual({ root }) const tree = root.target // even though we didn't load it from a package-lock.json FILE, // we still loaded it "from disk", meaning we have to reset // dep flags before assuming that any mutations were reflected. if (tree.children.size) { root.meta.loadedFromDisk = true // set these so that we don't try to ancient lockfile reload it root.meta.originalLockfileVersion = root.meta.lockfileVersion = this.options.lockfileVersion || defaultLockfileVersion } } root.meta.inferFormattingOptions(root.package) return root }) .then(tree => { // search the virtual tree for invalid edges, if any are found add their source to // the depsQueue so that we'll fix it later depth({ tree, getChildren: (node) => [...node.edgesOut.values()].map(edge => edge.to), filter: node => node, visit: node => { for (const edge of node.edgesOut.values()) { if (!edge.valid) { this[_depsQueue].push(node) break // no need to continue the loop after the first hit } } }, }) // null the virtual tree, because we're about to hack away at it // if you want another one, load another copy. this.idealTree = tree this.virtualTree = null process.emit('timeEnd', 'idealTree:init') return tree }) } async [_globalRootNode] () { const root = await this[_rootNodeFromPackage]({ dependencies: {} }) // this is a gross kludge to handle the fact that we don't save // metadata on the root node in global installs, because the "root" // node is something like /usr/local/lib. const meta = new Shrinkwrap({ path: this.path, lockfileVersion: this.options.lockfileVersion, resolveOptions: this.options, }) meta.reset() root.meta = meta return root } async [_rootNodeFromPackage] (pkg) { // if the path doesn't exist, then we explode at this point. Note that // this is not a problem for reify(), since it creates the root path // before ever loading trees. // TODO: make buildIdealTree() and loadActual handle a missing root path, // or a symlink to a missing target, and let reify() create it as needed. const real = await realpath(this.path, this[_rpcache], this[_stcache]) const Cls = real === this.path ? Node : Link const root = new Cls({ path: this.path, realpath: real, pkg, extraneous: false, dev: false, devOptional: false, peer: false, optional: false, global: this[_global], installLinks: this.installLinks, legacyPeerDeps: this.legacyPeerDeps, loadOverrides: true, }) if (root.isLink) { root.target = new Node({ path: real, realpath: real, pkg, extraneous: false, dev: false, devOptional: false, peer: false, optional: false, global: this[_global], installLinks: this.installLinks, legacyPeerDeps: this.legacyPeerDeps, root, }) } return root } // process the add/rm requests by modifying the root node, and the // update.names request by queueing nodes dependent on those named. async [_applyUserRequests] (options) { process.emit('time', 'idealTree:userRequests') const tree = this.idealTree.target if (!this[_workspaces].length) { await this[_applyUserRequestsToNode](tree, options) } else { const nodes = this.workspaceNodes(tree, this[_workspaces]) if (this[_includeWorkspaceRoot]) { nodes.push(tree) } const appliedRequests = nodes.map( node => this[_applyUserRequestsToNode](node, options) ) await Promise.all(appliedRequests) } process.emit('timeEnd', 'idealTree:userRequests') } async [_applyUserRequestsToNode] (tree, options) { // If we have a list of package names to update, and we know it's // going to update them wherever they are, add any paths into those // named nodes to the buildIdealTree queue. if (!this[_global] && this[_updateNames].length) { this[_queueNamedUpdates]() } // global updates only update the globalTop nodes, but we need to know // that they're there, and not reinstall the world unnecessarily. const globalExplicitUpdateNames = [] if (this[_global] && (this[_updateAll] || this[_updateNames].length)) { const nm = resolve(this.path, 'node_modules') const paths = await readdirScoped(nm).catch(() => []) for (const name of paths.map((p) => p.replace(/\\/g, '/'))) { tree.package.dependencies = tree.package.dependencies || {} const updateName = this[_updateNames].includes(name) if (this[_updateAll] || updateName) { if (updateName) { globalExplicitUpdateNames.push(name) } const dir = resolve(nm, name) const st = await lstat(dir) .catch(/* istanbul ignore next */ er => null) if (st && st.isSymbolicLink()) { const target = await readlink(dir) const real = resolve(dirname(dir), target).replace(/#/g, '%23') tree.package.dependencies[name] = `file:${real}` } else { tree.package.dependencies[name] = '*' } } } } if (this.auditReport && this.auditReport.size > 0) { await this[_queueVulnDependents](options) } const { add, rm } = options if (rm && rm.length) { addRmPkgDeps.rm(tree.package, rm) for (const name of rm) { this[_explicitRequests].add({ from: tree, name, action: 'DELETE' }) } } if (add && add.length) { await this[_add](tree, options) } // triggers a refresh of all edgesOut. this has to be done BEFORE // adding the edges to explicitRequests, because the package setter // resets all edgesOut. if (add && add.length || rm && rm.length || this[_global]) { tree.package = tree.package } for (const spec of this[_resolvedAdd]) { if (spec.tree === tree) { this[_explicitRequests].add(tree.edgesOut.get(spec.name)) } } for (const name of globalExplicitUpdateNames) { this[_explicitRequests].add(tree.edgesOut.get(name)) } this[_depsQueue].push(tree) } // This returns a promise because we might not have the name yet, and need to // call pacote.manifest to find the name. async [_add] (tree, { add, saveType = null, saveBundle = false }) { // If we have a link it will need to be added relative to the target's path const path = tree.target.path // get the name for each of the specs in the list. // ie, doing `foo@bar` we just return foo but if it's a url or git, we // don't know the name until we fetch it and look in its manifest. await Promise.all(add.map(async rawSpec => { // We do NOT provide the path to npa here, because user-additions need to // be resolved relative to the tree being added to. let spec = npa(rawSpec) // if it's just @'' then we reload whatever's there, or get latest // if it's an explicit tag, we need to install that specific tag version const isTag = spec.rawSpec && spec.type === 'tag' // look up the names of file/directory/git specs if (!spec.name || isTag) { const mani = await pacote.manifest(spec, { ...this.options }) if (isTag) { // translate tag to a version spec = npa(`${mani.name}@${mani.version}`) } spec.name = mani.name } const { name } = spec if (spec.type === 'file') { spec = npa(`file:${relpath(path, spec.fetchSpec).replace(/#/g, '%23')}`, path) spec.name = name } else if (spec.type === 'directory') { try { const real = await realpath(spec.fetchSpec, this[_rpcache], this[_stcache]) spec = npa(`file:${relpath(path, real).replace(/#/g, '%23')}`, path) spec.name = name } catch { // TODO: create synthetic test case to simulate realpath failure } } spec.tree = tree this[_resolvedAdd].push(spec) })) // now this._resolvedAdd is a list of spec objects with names. // find a home for each of them! addRmPkgDeps.add({ pkg: tree.package, add: this[_resolvedAdd], saveBundle, saveType, }) } // TODO: provide a way to fix bundled deps by exposing metadata about // what's in the bundle at each published manifest. Without that, we // can't possibly fix bundled deps without breaking a ton of other stuff, // and leaving the user subject to getting it overwritten later anyway. async [_queueVulnDependents] (options) { for (const vuln of this.auditReport.values()) { for (const node of vuln.nodes) { const bundler = node.getBundler() // XXX this belongs in the audit report itself, not here. // We shouldn't even get these things here, and they shouldn't // be printed by npm-audit-report as if they can be fixed, because // they can't. if (bundler) { log.warn(`audit fix ${node.name}@${node.version}`, `${node.location}\nis a bundled dependency of\n${ bundler.name}@${bundler.version} at ${bundler.location}\n` + 'It cannot be fixed automatically.\n' + `Check for updates to the ${bundler.name} package.`) continue } for (const edge of node.edgesIn) { this.addTracker('idealTree', edge.from.name, edge.from.location) this[_depsQueue].push(edge.from) } } } // note any that can't be fixed at the root level without --force // if there's a fix, we use that. otherwise, the user has to remove it, // find a different thing, fix the upstream, etc. // // XXX: how to handle top nodes that aren't the root? Maybe the report // just tells the user to cd into that directory and fix it? if (this[_force] && this.auditReport && this.auditReport.topVulns.size) { options.add = options.add || [] options.rm = options.rm || [] const nodesTouched = new Set() for (const [name, topVuln] of this.auditReport.topVulns.entries()) { const { simpleRange, topNodes, fixAvailable, } = topVuln for (const node of topNodes) { if (!node.isProjectRoot && !node.isWorkspace) { // not something we're going to fix, sorry. have to cd into // that directory and fix it yourself. log.warn('audit', 'Manual fix required in linked project ' + `at ./${node.location} for ${name}@${simpleRange}.\n` + `'cd ./${node.location}' and run 'npm audit' for details.`) continue } if (!fixAvailable) { log.warn('audit', `No fix available for ${name}@${simpleRange}`) continue } // name may be different if parent fixes the dep // see Vuln fixAvailable setter const { isSemVerMajor, version, name: fixName } = fixAvailable const breakingMessage = isSemVerMajor ? 'a SemVer major change' : 'outside your stated dependency range' log.warn('audit', `Updating ${fixName} to ${version}, ` + `which is ${breakingMessage}.`) await this[_add](node, { add: [`${fixName}@${version}`] }) nodesTouched.add(node) } } for (const node of nodesTouched) { node.package = node.package } } } [_avoidRange] (name) { if (!this.auditReport) { return null } const vuln = this.auditReport.get(name) if (!vuln) { return null } return vuln.range } [_queueNamedUpdates] () { // ignore top nodes, since they are not loaded the same way, and // probably have their own project associated with them. // for every node with one of the names on the list, we add its // dependents to the queue to be evaluated. in buildDepStep, // anything on the update names list will get refreshed, even if // it isn't a problem. // XXX this could be faster by doing a series of inventory.query('name') // calls rather than walking over everything in the tree. const set = this.idealTree.inventory .filter(n => this[_shouldUpdateNode](n)) // XXX add any invalid edgesOut to the queue for (const node of set) { for (const edge of node.edgesIn) { this.addTracker('idealTree', edge.from.name, edge.from.location) this[_depsQueue].push(edge.from) } } } [_shouldUpdateNode] (node) { return this[_updateNames].includes(node.name) && !node.isTop && !node.inDepBundle && !node.inShrinkwrap } async [_inflateAncientLockfile] () { const { meta, inventory } = this.idealTree const ancient = meta.ancientLockfile const old = meta.loadedFromDisk && !(meta.originalLockfileVersion >= 2) if (inventory.size === 0 || !ancient && !old) { return } // if the lockfile is from node v5 or earlier, then we'll have to reload // all the manifests of everything we encounter. this is costly, but at // least it's just a one-time hit. process.emit('time', 'idealTree:inflate') // don't warn if we're not gonna actually write it back anyway. const heading = ancient ? 'ancient lockfile' : 'old lockfile' if (ancient || !this.options.lockfileVersion || this.options.lockfileVersion >= defaultLockfileVersion) { log.warn(heading, ` The ${meta.type} file was created with an old version of npm, so supplemental metadata must be fetched from the registry. This is a one-time fix-up, please be patient... `) } this.addTracker('idealTree:inflate') const queue = [] for (const node of inventory.values()) { if (node.isProjectRoot) { continue } // if the node's location isn't within node_modules then this is actually // a link target, so skip it. the link node itself will be queued later. if (!node.location.startsWith('node_modules')) { continue } queue.push(async () => { log.silly('inflate', node.location) const { resolved, version, path, name, location, integrity } = node // don't try to hit the registry for linked deps const useResolved = resolved && ( !version || resolved.startsWith('file:') ) const id = useResolved ? resolved : version const spec = npa.resolve(name, id, dirname(path)) const t = `idealTree:inflate:${location}` this.addTracker(t) try { const mani = await pacote.manifest(spec, { ...this.options, resolved: resolved, integrity: integrity, fullMetadata: false, }) node.package = { ...mani, _id: `${mani.name}@${mani.version}` } } catch (er) { const warning = `Could not fetch metadata for ${name}@${id}` log.warn(heading, warning, er) } this.finishTracker(t) }) } await promiseCallLimit(queue) // have to re-calc dep flags, because the nodes don't have edges // until their packages get assigned, so everything looks extraneous calcDepFlags(this.idealTree) // yes, yes, this isn't the "original" version, but now that it's been // upgraded, we need to make sure we don't do the work to upgrade it // again, since it's now as new as can be. if (!this.options.lockfileVersion && !meta.hiddenLockfile) { meta.originalLockfileVersion = defaultLockfileVersion } this.finishTracker('idealTree:inflate') process.emit('timeEnd', 'idealTree:inflate') } // at this point we have a virtual tree with the actual root node's // package deps, which may be partly or entirely incomplete, invalid // or extraneous. [_buildDeps] () { process.emit('time', 'idealTree:buildDeps') const tree = this.idealTree.target tree.assertRootOverrides() this[_depsQueue].push(tree) // XXX also push anything that depends on a node with a name // in the override list log.silly('idealTree', 'buildDeps') this.addTracker('idealTree', tree.name, '') return this[_buildDepStep]() .then(() => process.emit('timeEnd', 'idealTree:buildDeps')) } async [_buildDepStep] () { // removes tracker of previous dependency in the queue if (this[_currentDep]) { const { location, name } = this[_currentDep] process.emit('timeEnd', `idealTree:${location || '#root'}`) this.finishTracker('idealTree', name, location) this[_currentDep] = null } if (!this[_depsQueue].length) { return this[_resolveLinks]() } // sort physically shallower deps up to the front of the queue, // because they'll affect things deeper in, then alphabetical this[_depsQueue].sort((a, b) => (a.depth - b.depth) || localeCompare(a.path, b.path)) const node = this[_depsQueue].shift() const bd = node.package.bundleDependencies const hasBundle = bd && Array.isArray(bd) && bd.length const { hasShrinkwrap } = node // if the node was already visited, or has since been removed from the // tree, skip over it and process the rest of the queue. If a node has // a shrinkwrap, also skip it, because it's going to get its deps // satisfied by whatever's in that file anyway. if (this[_depsSeen].has(node) || node.root !== this.idealTree || hasShrinkwrap && !this[_complete]) { return this[_buildDepStep]() } this[_depsSeen].add(node) this[_currentDep] = node process.emit('time', `idealTree:${node.location || '#root'}`) // if we're loading a _complete_ ideal tree, for a --package-lock-only // installation for example, we have to crack open the tarball and // look inside if it has bundle deps or shrinkwraps. note that this is // not necessary during a reification, because we just update the // ideal tree by reading bundles/shrinkwraps in place. // Don't bother if the node is from the actual tree and hasn't // been resolved, because we can't fetch it anyway, could be anything! const crackOpen = this[_complete] && node !== this.idealTree && node.resolved && (hasBundle || hasShrinkwrap) if (crackOpen) { const Arborist = this.constructor const opt = { ...this.options } await cacache.tmp.withTmp(this.cache, opt, async path => { await pacote.extract(node.resolved, path, { ...opt, Arborist, resolved: node.resolved, integrity: node.integrity, }) if (hasShrinkwrap) { await new Arborist({ ...this.options, path }) .loadVirtual({ root: node }) } if (hasBundle) { await new Arborist({ ...this.options, path }) .loadActual({ root: node, ignoreMissing: true }) } }) } // if any deps are missing or invalid, then we fetch the manifest for // the thing we want, and build a new dep node from that. // Then, find the ideal placement for that node. The ideal placement // searches from the node's deps (or parent deps in the case of non-root // peer deps), and walks up the tree until it finds the highest spot // where it doesn't cause any conflicts. // // A conflict can be: // - A node by that name already exists at that location. // - The parent has a peer dep on that name // - One of the node's peer deps conflicts at that location, unless the // peer dep is met by a node at that location, which is fine. // // If we create a new node, then build its ideal deps as well. // // Note: this is the same "maximally naive" deduping tree-building // algorithm that npm has used since v3. In a case like this: // // root -> (a@1, b@1||2) // a -> (b@1) // // You'll end up with a tree like this: // // root // +-- a@1 // | +-- b@1 // +-- b@2 // // rather than this, more deduped, but just as correct tree: // // root // +-- a@1 // +-- b@1 // // Another way to look at it is that this algorithm favors getting higher // version deps at higher levels in the tree, even if that reduces // potential deduplication. // // Set `preferDedupe: true` in the options to replace the shallower // dep if allowed. const tasks = [] const peerSource = this[_peerSetSource].get(node) || node for (const edge of this[_problemEdges](node)) { if (edge.peerConflicted) { continue } // peerSetSource is only relevant when we have a peerEntryEdge // otherwise we're setting regular non-peer deps as if they have // a virtual root of whatever brought in THIS node. // so we VR the node itself if the edge is not a peer const source = edge.peer ? peerSource : node const virtualRoot = this[_virtualRoot](source, true) // reuse virtual root if we already have one, but don't // try to do the override ahead of time, since we MAY be able // to create a more correct tree than the virtual root could. const vrEdge = virtualRoot && virtualRoot.edgesOut.get(edge.name) const vrDep = vrEdge && vrEdge.valid && vrEdge.to // only re-use the virtualRoot if it's a peer edge we're placing. // otherwise, we end up in situations where we override peer deps that // we could have otherwise found homes for. Eg: // xy -> (x, y) // x -> PEER(z@1) // y -> PEER(z@2) // If xy is a dependency, we can resolve this like: // project // +-- xy // | +-- y // | +-- z@2 // +-- x // +-- z@1 // But if x and y are loaded in the same virtual root, then they will // be forced to agree on a version of z. const required = new Set([edge.from]) const parent = edge.peer ? virtualRoot : null const dep = vrDep && vrDep.satisfies(edge) ? vrDep : await this[_nodeFromEdge](edge, parent, null, required) /* istanbul ignore next */ debug(() => { if (!dep) { throw new Error('no dep??') } }) tasks.push({ edge, dep }) } const placeDeps = tasks .sort((a, b) => localeCompare(a.edge.name, b.edge.name)) .map(({ edge, dep }) => new PlaceDep({ edge, dep, auditReport: this.auditReport, explicitRequest: this[_explicitRequests].has(edge), force: this[_force], installLinks: this.installLinks, installStrategy: this[_installStrategy], legacyPeerDeps: this.legacyPeerDeps, preferDedupe: this[_preferDedupe], strictPeerDeps: this[_strictPeerDeps], updateNames: this[_updateNames], })) const promises = [] for (const pd of placeDeps) { // placing a dep is actually a tree of placing the dep itself // and all of its peer group that aren't already met by the tree depth({ tree: pd, getChildren: pd => pd.children, visit: pd => { const { placed, edge, canPlace: cpd } = pd // if we didn't place anything, nothing to do here if (!placed) { return } // we placed something, that means we changed the tree if (placed.errors.length) { this[_loadFailures].add(placed) } this[_mutateTree] = true if (cpd.canPlaceSelf === OK) { for (const edgeIn of placed.edgesIn) { if (edgeIn === edge) { continue } const { from, valid, peerConflicted } = edgeIn if (!peerConflicted && !valid && !this[_depsSeen].has(from)) { this.addTracker('idealTree', from.name, from.location) this[_depsQueue].push(edgeIn.from) } } } else { /* istanbul ignore else - should be only OK or REPLACE here */ if (cpd.canPlaceSelf === REPLACE) { // this may also create some invalid edges, for example if we're // intentionally causing something to get nested which was // previously placed in this location. for (const edgeIn of placed.edgesIn) { if (edgeIn === edge) { continue } const { valid, peerConflicted } = edgeIn if (!valid && !peerConflicted) { // if it's already been visited, we have to re-visit // otherwise, just enqueue normally. this[_depsSeen].delete(edgeIn.from) this[_depsQueue].push(edgeIn.from) } } } } /* istanbul ignore if - should be impossible */ if (cpd.canPlaceSelf === CONFLICT) { debug(() => { const er = new Error('placed with canPlaceSelf=CONFLICT') throw Object.assign(er, { placeDep: pd }) }) return } // lastly, also check for the missing deps of the node we placed, // and any holes created by pruning out conflicted peer sets. this[_depsQueue].push(placed) for (const dep of pd.needEvaluation) { this[_depsSeen].delete(dep) this[_depsQueue].push(dep) } // pre-fetch any problem edges, since we'll need these soon // if it fails at this point, though, dont' worry because it // may well be an optional dep that has gone missing. it'll // fail later anyway. promises.push(...this[_problemEdges](placed).map(e => this[_fetchManifest](npa.resolve(e.name, e.spec, fromPath(placed, e))) .catch(er => null))) }, }) } for (const { to } of node.edgesOut.values()) { if (to && to.isLink && to.target) { this[_linkNodes].add(to) } } await Promise.all(promises) return this[_buildDepStep]() } // loads a node from an edge, and then loads its peer deps (and their // peer deps, on down the line) into a virtual root parent. async [_nodeFromEdge] (edge, parent_, secondEdge, required) { // create a virtual root node with the same deps as the node that // is requesting this one, so that we can get all the peer deps in // a context where they're likely to be resolvable. // Note that the virtual root will also have virtual copies of the // targets of any child Links, so that they resolve appropriately. const parent = parent_ || this[_virtualRoot](edge.from) const spec = npa.resolve(edge.name, edge.spec, edge.from.path) const first = await this[_nodeFromSpec](edge.name, spec, parent, edge) // we might have a case where the parent has a peer dependency on // `foo@*` which resolves to v2, but another dep in the set has a // peerDependency on `foo@1`. In that case, if we force it to be v2, // we're unnecessarily triggering an ERESOLVE. // If we have a second edge to worry about, and it's not satisfied // by the first node, try a second and see if that satisfies the // original edge here. const spec2 = secondEdge && npa.resolve( edge.name, secondEdge.spec, secondEdge.from.path ) const second = secondEdge && !secondEdge.valid ? await this[_nodeFromSpec](edge.name, spec2, parent, secondEdge) : null // pick the second one if they're both happy with that, otherwise first const node = second && edge.valid ? second : first // ensure the one we want is the one that's placed node.parent = parent if (required.has(edge.from) && edge.type !== 'peerOptional' || secondEdge && ( required.has(secondEdge.from) && secondEdge.type !== 'peerOptional')) { required.add(node) } // keep track of the thing that caused this node to be included. const src = parent.sourceReference this[_peerSetSource].set(node, src) // do not load the peers along with the set if this is a global top pkg // otherwise we'll be tempted to put peers as other top-level installed // things, potentially clobbering what's there already, which is not // what we want. the missing edges will be picked up on the next pass. if (this[_global] && edge.from.isProjectRoot) { return node } // otherwise, we have to make sure that our peers can go along with us. return this[_loadPeerSet](node, required) } [_virtualRoot] (node, reuse = false) { if (reuse && this[_virtualRoots].has(node)) { return this[_virtualRoots].get(node) } const vr = new Node({ path: node.realpath, sourceReference: node, installLinks: this.installLinks, legacyPeerDeps: this.legacyPeerDeps, overrides: node.overrides, }) // also need to set up any targets from any link deps, so that // they are properly reflected in the virtual environment for (const child of node.children.values()) { if (child.isLink) { new Node({ path: child.realpath, sourceReference: child.target, root: vr, }) } } this[_virtualRoots].set(node, vr) return vr } [_problemEdges] (node) { // skip over any bundled deps, they're not our problem. // Note that this WILL fetch bundled meta-deps which are also dependencies // but not listed as bundled deps. When reifying, we first unpack any // nodes that have bundleDependencies, then do a loadActual on them, move // the nodes into the ideal tree, and then prune. So, fetching those // possibly-bundled meta-deps at this point doesn't cause any worse // problems than a few unnecessary packument fetches. // also skip over any nodes in the tree that failed to load, since those // will crash the install later on anyway. const bd = node.isProjectRoot || node.isWorkspace ? null : node.package.bundleDependencies const bundled = new Set(bd || []) return [...node.edgesOut.values()] .filter(edge => { // If it's included in a bundle, we take whatever is specified. if (bundled.has(edge.name)) { return false } // If it's already been logged as a load failure, skip it. if (edge.to && this[_loadFailures].has(edge.to)) { return false } // If it's shrinkwrapped, we use what the shrinkwap wants. if (edge.to && edge.to.inShrinkwrap) { return false } // If the edge has no destination, that's a problem, unless // if it's peerOptional and not explicitly requested. if (!edge.to) { return edge.type !== 'peerOptional' || this[_explicitRequests].has(edge) } // If the edge has an error, there's a problem. if (!edge.valid) { return true } // If the edge is a workspace, and it's valid, leave it alone if (edge.to.isWorkspace) { return false } // user explicitly asked to update this package by name, problem if (this[_updateNames].includes(edge.name)) { return true } // fixing a security vulnerability with this package, problem if (this.auditReport && this.auditReport.isVulnerable(edge.to)) { return true } // user has explicitly asked to install this package, problem if (this[_explicitRequests].has(edge)) { return true } // No problems! return false }) } async [_fetchManifest] (spec) { const options = { ...this.options, avoid: this[_avoidRange](spec.name), } // get the intended spec and stored metadata from yarn.lock file, // if available and valid. spec = this.idealTree.meta.checkYarnLock(spec, options) if (this[_manifests].has(spec.raw)) { return this[_manifests].get(spec.raw) } else { const cleanRawSpec = cleanUrl(spec.rawSpec) log.silly('fetch manifest', spec.raw.replace(spec.rawSpec, cleanRawSpec)) const p = pacote.manifest(spec, options) .then(mani => { this[_manifests].set(spec.raw, mani) return mani }) this[_manifests].set(spec.raw, p) return p } } [_nodeFromSpec] (name, spec, parent, edge) { // pacote will slap integrity on its options, so we have to clone // the object so it doesn't get mutated. // Don't bother to load the manifest for link deps, because the target // might be within another package that doesn't exist yet. const { installLinks, legacyPeerDeps } = this const isWorkspace = this.idealTree.workspaces && this.idealTree.workspaces.has(spec.name) // spec is a directory, link it unless installLinks is set or it's a workspace // TODO post arborist refactor, will need to check for installStrategy=linked if (spec.type === 'directory' && (isWorkspace || !installLinks)) { return this[_linkFromSpec](name, spec, parent, edge) } // if the spec matches a workspace name, then see if the workspace node will // satisfy the edge. if it does, we return the workspace node to make sure it // takes priority. if (isWorkspace) { const existingNode = this.idealTree.edgesOut.get(spec.name).to if (existingNode && existingNode.isWorkspace && existingNode.satisfies(edge)) { return existingNode } } // spec isn't a directory, and either isn't a workspace or the workspace we have // doesn't satisfy the edge. try to fetch a manifest and build a node from that. return this[_fetchManifest](spec) .then(pkg => new Node({ name, pkg, parent, installLinks, legacyPeerDeps }), error => { error.requiredBy = edge.from.location || '.' // failed to load the spec, either because of enotarget or // fetch failure of some other sort. save it so we can verify // later that it's optional, otherwise the error is fatal. const n = new Node({ name, parent, error, installLinks, legacyPeerDeps, }) this[_loadFailures].add(n) return n }) } [_linkFromSpec] (name, spec, parent, edge) { const realpath = spec.fetchSpec const { installLinks, legacyPeerDeps } = this return rpj(realpath + '/package.json').catch(() => ({})).then(pkg => { const link = new Link({ name, parent, realpath, pkg, installLinks, legacyPeerDeps }) this[_linkNodes].add(link) return link }) } // load all peer deps and meta-peer deps into the node's parent // At the end of this, the node's peer-type outward edges are all // resolved, and so are all of theirs, but other dep types are not. // We prefer to get peer deps that meet the requiring node's dependency, // if possible, since that almost certainly works (since that package was // developed with this set of deps) and will typically be more restrictive. // Note that the peers in the set can conflict either with each other, // or with a direct dependency from the virtual root parent! In strict // mode, this is always an error. In force mode, it never is, and we // prefer the parent's non-peer dep over a peer dep, or the version that // gets placed first. In non-strict mode, we behave strictly if the // virtual root is based on the root project, and allow non-peer parent // deps to override, but throw if no preference can be determined. async [_loadPeerSet] (node, required) { const peerEdges = [...node.edgesOut.values()] // we typically only install non-optional peers, but we have to // factor them into the peerSet so that we can avoid conflicts .filter(e => e.peer && !(e.valid && e.to)) .sort(({ name: a }, { name: b }) => localeCompare(a, b)) for (const edge of peerEdges) { // already placed this one, and we're happy with it. if (edge.valid && edge.to) { continue } const parentEdge = node.parent.edgesOut.get(edge.name) const { isProjectRoot, isWorkspace } = node.parent.sourceReference const isMine = isProjectRoot || isWorkspace const conflictOK = this[_force] || !isMine && !this[_strictPeerDeps] if (!edge.to) { if (!parentEdge) { // easy, just put the thing there await this[_nodeFromEdge](edge, node.parent, null, required) continue } else { // if the parent's edge is very broad like >=1, and the edge in // question is something like 1.x, then we want to get a 1.x, not // a 2.x. pass along the child edge as an advisory guideline. // if the parent edge doesn't satisfy the child edge, and the // child edge doesn't satisfy the parent edge, then we have // a conflict. this is always a problem in strict mode, never // in force mode, and a problem in non-strict mode if this isn't // on behalf of our project. in all such cases, we warn at least. const dep = await this[_nodeFromEdge]( parentEdge, node.parent, edge, required ) // hooray! that worked! if (edge.valid) { continue } // allow it. either we're overriding, or it's not something // that will be installed by default anyway, and we'll fail when // we get to the point where we need to, if we need to. if (conflictOK || !required.has(dep)) { edge.peerConflicted = true continue } // problem this[_failPeerConflict](edge, parentEdge) } } // There is something present already, and we're not happy about it // See if the thing we WOULD be happy with is also going to satisfy // the other dependents on the current node. const current = edge.to const dep = await this[_nodeFromEdge](edge, null, null, required) if (dep.canReplace(current)) { await this[_nodeFromEdge](edge, node.parent, null, required) continue } // at this point we know that there is a dep there, and // we don't like it. always fail strictly, always allow forcibly or // in non-strict mode if it's not our fault. don't warn here, because // we are going to warn again when we place the deps, if we end up // overriding for something else. If the thing that has this dep // isn't also required, then there's a good chance we won't need it, // so allow it for now and let it conflict if it turns out to actually // be necessary for the installation. if (conflictOK || !required.has(edge.from)) { continue } // ok, it's the root, or we're in unforced strict mode, so this is bad this[_failPeerConflict](edge, parentEdge) } return node } [_failPeerConflict] (edge, currentEdge) { const expl = this[_explainPeerConflict](edge, currentEdge) throw Object.assign(new Error('unable to resolve dependency tree'), expl) } [_explainPeerConflict] (edge, currentEdge) { const node = edge.from const curNode = node.resolve(edge.name) const current = curNode.explain() return { code: 'ERESOLVE', current, // it SHOULD be impossible to get here without a current node in place, // but this at least gives us something report on when bugs creep into // the tree handling logic. currentEdge: currentEdge ? currentEdge.explain() : null, edge: edge.explain(), strictPeerDeps: this[_strictPeerDeps], force: this[_force], } } // go through all the links in the this[_linkNodes] set // for each one: // - if outside the root, ignore it, assume it's fine, it's not our problem // - if a node in the tree already, assign the target to that node. // - if a path under an existing node, then assign that as the fsParent, // and add it to the _depsQueue // // call buildDepStep if anything was added to the queue, otherwise we're done [_resolveLinks] () { for (const link of this[_linkNodes]) { this[_linkNodes].delete(link) // link we never ended up placing, skip it if (link.root !== this.idealTree) { continue } const tree = this.idealTree.target const external = !link.target.isDescendantOf(tree) // outside the root, somebody else's problem, ignore it if (external && !this[_follow]) { continue } // didn't find a parent for it or it has not been seen yet // so go ahead and process it. const unseenLink = (link.target.parent || link.target.fsParent) && !this[_depsSeen].has(link.target) if (this[_follow] && !link.target.parent && !link.target.fsParent || unseenLink) { this.addTracker('idealTree', link.target.name, link.target.location) this[_depsQueue].push(link.target) } } if (this[_depsQueue].length) { return this[_buildDepStep]() } } [_fixDepFlags] () { process.emit('time', 'idealTree:fixDepFlags') const metaFromDisk = this.idealTree.meta.loadedFromDisk const flagsSuspect = this[_flagsSuspect] const mutateTree = this[_mutateTree] // if the options set prune:false, then we don't prune, but we still // mark the extraneous items in the tree if we modified it at all. // If we did no modifications, we just iterate over the extraneous nodes. // if we started with an empty tree, then the dep flags are already // all set to true, and there can be nothing extraneous, so there's // nothing to prune, because we built it from scratch. if we didn't // add or remove anything, then also nothing to do. if (metaFromDisk && mutateTree) { resetDepFlags(this.idealTree) } // update all the dev/optional/etc flags in the tree // either we started with a fresh tree, or we // reset all the flags to find the extraneous nodes. // // if we started from a blank slate, or changed something, then // the dep flags will be all set to true. if (!metaFromDisk || mutateTree) { calcDepFlags(this.idealTree) } else { // otherwise just unset all the flags on the root node // since they will sometimes have the default value this.idealTree.extraneous = false this.idealTree.dev = false this.idealTree.optional = false this.idealTree.devOptional = false this.idealTree.peer = false } // at this point, any node marked as extraneous should be pruned. // if we started from a shrinkwrap, and then added/removed something, // then the tree is suspect. Prune what is marked as extraneous. // otherwise, don't bother. const needPrune = metaFromDisk && (mutateTree || flagsSuspect) if (this[_prune] && needPrune) { this[_idealTreePrune]() } process.emit('timeEnd', 'idealTree:fixDepFlags') } [_idealTreePrune] () { for (const node of this.idealTree.inventory.filter(n => n.extraneous)) { node.parent = null } } [_pruneFailedOptional] () { for (const node of this[_loadFailures]) { if (!node.optional) { throw node.errors[0] } const set = optionalSet(node) for (const node of set) { node.parent = null } } } }