편집 파일: pruner.js
const _idealTreePrune = Symbol.for('idealTreePrune') const _workspacesEnabled = Symbol.for('workspacesEnabled') const _addNodeToTrashList = Symbol.for('addNodeToTrashList') module.exports = cls => class Pruner extends cls { async prune (options = {}) { // allow the user to set options on the ctor as well. // XXX: deprecate separate method options objects. options = { ...this.options, ...options } await this.buildIdealTree(options) this[_idealTreePrune]() if (!this[_workspacesEnabled]) { const excludeNodes = this.excludeWorkspacesDependencySet(this.idealTree) for (const node of this.idealTree.inventory.values()) { if ( node.parent !== null && !node.isProjectRoot && !excludeNodes.has(node) ) { this[_addNodeToTrashList](node) } } } return this.reify(options) } }