편집 파일: esearch.js
'use strict' var npm = require('../npm.js') var log = require('npmlog') var mapToRegistry = require('../utils/map-to-registry.js') var jsonstream = require('JSONStream') var ms = require('mississippi') var gunzip = require('../utils/gunzip-maybe') module.exports = esearch function esearch (opts) { var stream = ms.through.obj() mapToRegistry('-/v1/search', npm.config, function (er, uri, auth) { if (er) return stream.emit('error', er) createResultStream(uri, auth, opts, function (err, resultStream) { if (err) return stream.emit('error', err) ms.pipeline.obj(resultStream, stream) }) }) return stream } function createResultStream (uri, auth, opts, cb) { log.verbose('esearch', 'creating remote entry stream') var params = { timeout: 600, follow: true, staleOk: true, auth: auth, streaming: true } var q = buildQuery(opts) npm.registry.request(uri + '?text=' + encodeURIComponent(q) + '&size=' + opts.limit, params, function (err, res) { if (err) return cb(err) log.silly('esearch', 'request stream opened, code:', res.statusCode) // NOTE - The stream returned by `request` seems to be very persnickety // and this is almost a magic incantation to get it to work. // Modify how `res` is used here at your own risk. var entryStream = ms.pipeline.obj( res, ms.through(function (chunk, enc, cb) { cb(null, chunk) }), gunzip(), jsonstream.parse('objects.*.package', function (data) { return { name: data.name, description: data.description, maintainers: data.maintainers, keywords: data.keywords, version: data.version, date: data.date ? new Date(data.date) : null } }) ) return cb(null, entryStream) }) } function buildQuery (opts) { return opts.include.join(' ') }