편집 파일: fix_has_key.cpython-310.opt-1.pyc
o 6��f| � @ sB d Z ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZmZ G dd� dej�ZdS )a& Fixer for has_key(). Calls to .has_key() methods are expressed in terms of the 'in' operator: d.has_key(k) -> k in d CAVEATS: 1) While the primary target of this fixer is dict.has_key(), the fixer will change any has_key() method call, regardless of its class. 2) Cases like this will not be converted: m = d.has_key if m(k): ... Only *calls* to has_key() are converted. While it is possible to convert the above to something like m = d.__contains__ if m(k): ... this is currently not done. � )�pytree)� fixer_base)�Name�parenthesizec @ s e Zd ZdZdZdd� ZdS )� FixHasKeyTa� anchor=power< before=any+ trailer< '.' 'has_key' > trailer< '(' ( not(arglist | argument<any '=' any>) arg=any | arglist<(not argument<any '=' any>) arg=any ','> ) ')' > after=any* > | negation=not_test< 'not' anchor=power< before=any+ trailer< '.' 'has_key' > trailer< '(' ( not(arglist | argument<any '=' any>) arg=any | arglist<(not argument<any '=' any>) arg=any ','> ) ')' > > > c C sx | j }|jj|jkr| j�|j�rd S |�d�}|d }|j}dd� |d D �}|d �� }|�d�} | r<dd� | D �} |j|j |j|j |j|j|j |jfv rSt|�}t|�d kr^|d }nt�|j|�}d|_tddd �} |rtddd �}t�|j|| f�} t�|j || |f�}| r�t|�}t�|j|ft| � �}|jj|j |j|j|j|j|j|j|j|jf v r�t|�}||_|S )N�negation�anchorc S � g | ]}|� � �qS � ��clone��.0�nr r �@/opt/alt/python310/lib64/python3.10/lib2to3/fixes/fix_has_key.py� <listcomp>R � z'FixHasKey.transform.<locals>.<listcomp>�before�arg�afterc S r r r r r r r r V r � � � �in)�prefix�not)�syms�parent�typeZnot_test�pattern�match�getr r Z comparisonZand_testZor_test�testZlambdefZargumentr �lenr ZNodeZpowerr Zcomp_op�tuple�exprZxor_exprZand_exprZ shift_exprZ arith_exprZtermZfactor) �selfZnodeZresultsr r r r r r r Zn_opZn_not�newr r r � transformG sJ � � �zFixHasKey.transformN)�__name__� __module__�__qualname__Z BM_compatibleZPATTERNr( r r r r r &