편집 파일: visitors.cpython-37.pyc
B ��4]( � @ s� d Z ddlmZ ddlZddlmZ ddlmZ ddd d ddd dddddgZG dd� de�Z dd� Z G dd� de�e e��Z G dd � d e�ZG dd � d e�ZG dd� de�Zdd� Zdd � Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zd d� ZdS )!aO Visitor/traversal interface and library functions. SQLAlchemy schema and expression constructs rely on a Python-centric version of the classic "visitor" pattern as the primary way in which they apply functionality. The most common use of this pattern is statement compilation, where individual expression classes match up to rendering methods that produce a string result. Beyond this, the visitor system is also used to inspect expressions for various information and patterns, as well as for usage in some kinds of expression transformation. Other kinds of transformation use a non-visitor traversal system. For many examples of how the visit system is used, see the sqlalchemy.sql.util and the sqlalchemy.sql.compiler modules. For an introduction to clause adaption, see http://techspot.zzzeek.org/2008/01/23/expression-transformations/ � )�dequeN� )�exc)�util� VisitableType� Visitable� ClauseVisitor�CloningVisitor�ReplacingCloningVisitor�iterate�iterate_depthfirst�traverse_using�traverse�traverse_depthfirst�cloned_traverse�replacement_traversec s e Zd ZdZ� fdd�Z� ZS )r ae Metaclass which assigns a `_compiler_dispatch` method to classes having a `__visit_name__` attribute. The _compiler_dispatch attribute becomes an instance method which looks approximately like the following:: def _compiler_dispatch (self, visitor, **kw): '''Look for an attribute named "visit_" + self.__visit_name__ on the visitor, and call it with the same kw params.''' visit_attr = 'visit_%s' % self.__visit_name__ return getattr(visitor, visit_attr)(self, **kw) Classes having no __visit_name__ attribute will remain unaffected. c s2 |dkrt | d�rt| � tt| ��|||� d S )Nr �__visit_name__)�hasattr�_generate_dispatch�superr �__init__)�clsZclsname�basesZclsdict)� __class__� �J/opt/alt/python37/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/visitors.pyr B s zVisitableType.__init__)�__name__� __module__�__qualname__�__doc__r � __classcell__r r )r r r 2 s c sT d� j krP� j}t|t�r8t�d| ��� �fdd�}n� fdd�}d|_|� _dS )zYReturn an optimized visit dispatch function for the cls for use by the compiler. r zvisit_%sc s>