편집 파일: tar_output.rb
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #-- # Copyright (C) 2004 Mauricio Julio Fernández Pradier # See LICENSE.txt for additional licensing information. #++ ## # TarOutput is a wrapper to TarWriter that builds gem-format tar file. # # Gem-format tar files contain the following files: # [data.tar.gz] A gzipped tar file containing the files that compose the gem # which will be extracted into the gem/ dir on installation. # [metadata.gz] A YAML format Gem::Specification. # [data.tar.gz.sig] A signature for the gem's data.tar.gz. # [metadata.gz.sig] A signature for the gem's metadata.gz. # # See TarOutput::open for usage details. class Gem::Package::TarOutput ## # Creates a new TarOutput which will yield a TarWriter object for the # data.tar.gz portion of a gem-format tar file. # # See #initialize for details on +io+ and +signer+. # # See #add_gem_contents for details on adding metadata to the tar file. def self.open(io, signer = nil, &block) # :yield: data_tar_writer tar_outputter = new io, signer tar_outputter.add_gem_contents(&block) tar_outputter.add_metadata tar_outputter.add_signatures ensure tar_outputter.close end ## # Creates a new TarOutput that will write a gem-format tar file to +io+. If # +signer+ is given, the data.tar.gz and metadata.gz will be signed and # the signatures will be added to the tar file. def initialize(io, signer) @io = io @signer = signer @tar_writer = Gem::Package::TarWriter.new @io @metadata = nil @data_signature = nil @meta_signature = nil end ## # Yields a TarWriter for the data.tar.gz inside a gem-format tar file. # The yielded TarWriter has been extended with a #metadata= method for # attaching a YAML format Gem::Specification which will be written by # add_metadata. def add_gem_contents @tar_writer.add_file "data.tar.gz", 0644 do |inner| sio = @signer ? StringIO.new : nil Zlib::GzipWriter.wrap(sio || inner) do |os| Gem::Package::TarWriter.new os do |data_tar_writer| # :stopdoc: def data_tar_writer.metadata() @metadata end def data_tar_writer.metadata=(metadata) @metadata = metadata end # :startdoc: yield data_tar_writer @metadata = data_tar_writer.metadata end end # if we have a signing key, then sign the data # digest and return the signature if @signer then require 'rubygems/security' digest = Gem::Security::OPT[:dgst_algo].digest sio.string @data_signature = @signer.sign digest inner.write sio.string end end self end ## # Adds metadata.gz to the gem-format tar file which was saved from a # previous #add_gem_contents call. def add_metadata return if @metadata.nil? @tar_writer.add_file "metadata.gz", 0644 do |io| begin sio = @signer ? StringIO.new : nil gzos = Zlib::GzipWriter.new(sio || io) gzos.write @metadata ensure gzos.flush gzos.finish # if we have a signing key, then sign the metadata digest and return # the signature if @signer then require 'rubygems/security' digest = Gem::Security::OPT[:dgst_algo].digest sio.string @meta_signature = @signer.sign digest io.write sio.string end end end end ## # Adds data.tar.gz.sig and metadata.gz.sig to the gem-format tar files if # a Gem::Security::Signer was sent to initialize. def add_signatures if @data_signature then @tar_writer.add_file 'data.tar.gz.sig', 0644 do |io| io.write @data_signature end end if @meta_signature then @tar_writer.add_file 'metadata.gz.sig', 0644 do |io| io.write @meta_signature end end end ## # Closes the TarOutput. def close @tar_writer.close end end