편집 파일: weakref_finalize.cpython-38.pyc
U &?�f� � @ sF d Z ddlmZ ddlZddlZddlmZ dgZG dd� de�Z dS )zd backports.weakref_finalize ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Backports the Python 3 ``weakref.finalize`` method. � )�absolute_importN)�ref�weakref_finalizec @ s� e Zd ZdZdZi ZdZe�� Z dZ dZG dd� de�Z dd� Zdd d �Zdd� Zd d� Zedd� �Zedd� �Zejdd� �Zdd� Zedd� �Zedd� �ZdS )r a Class for finalization of weakrefable objects finalize(obj, func, *args, **kwargs) returns a callable finalizer object which will be called when obj is garbage collected. The first time the finalizer is called it evaluates func(*arg, **kwargs) and returns the result. After this the finalizer is dead, and calling it just returns None. When the program exits any remaining finalizers for which the atexit attribute is true will be run in reverse order of creation. By default atexit is true. � Fc @ s e Zd ZdZdS )zweakref_finalize._Info)�weakref�func�args�kwargs�atexit�indexN)�__name__� __module__�__qualname__� __slots__r r r �e/opt/hc_python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip/_vendor/urllib3/packages/backports/weakref_finalize.py�_Info( s r c O sp | j s dd l}|�| j� dt_ | �� }t|| �|_||_||_ |pFd |_ d|_t| j�|_ || j| <