편집 파일: row.cpython-38.pyc
U -?�f / � @ s d Z ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlZddlZddlm Z ddlm Z ddlmZ ddlmZ dd lm Z dd lmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ dd lmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ e�se�s*ddlmZ nddl mZ e�r`ddl!m"Z" ddl!m#Z# ddl!m$Z$ ede d�Z%edee d f d�Z&G d!d"� d"eee ee& �Z'eZ(e'Z)G d#d$� d$e�Z*G d%d&� d&e*ej+d' ej,e �Z-G d(d)� d)e*ej.d'e f �Z/G d*d+� d+eejd'e f �Z0dS ),z.Define row constructs including :class:`.Row`.� )�annotations)�ABCN)�Any)�Callable)�Dict)�Generic)�Iterator)�List)�Mapping)�NoReturn)�Optional)�overload)�Sequence)�Tuple)� TYPE_CHECKING)�TypeVar)�Union� )�util)� deprecated)�HAS_CYEXTENSION� )�BaseRow)�_KeyType)�_ProcessorsType)� RMKeyView�_T)�bound�_TP.c @ s� e Zd ZdZdZdddd�dd�Zddd �d d�Zdd �dd�Zedd�dd �dd��Z e dd �dd��Ze edd�dd �dd���Ze dd �dd��Z ddd�dd �Zes�ddd �d!d"�Zed#�Zed$�Zdd%d&�d'd(�Zdd)d%d*�d+d,�ZejZe�r2ed-dd.�d/d0��Zed1d2d.�d3d0��Zd4dd.�d5d0�Zdd%d6�d7d8�Zdd%d6�d9d:�Zdd%d6�d;d<�Zdd%d6�d=d>�Zdd%d6�d?d@�Zdd%d6�dAdB�Zdd �dCdD�Ze dEd �dFdG��Z dHd �dIdJ�Z!dKS )L�Rowa Represent a single result row. The :class:`.Row` object represents a row of a database result. It is typically associated in the 1.x series of SQLAlchemy with the :class:`_engine.CursorResult` object, however is also used by the ORM for tuple-like results as of SQLAlchemy 1.4. The :class:`.Row` object seeks to act as much like a Python named tuple as possible. For mapping (i.e. dictionary) behavior on a row, such as testing for containment of keys, refer to the :attr:`.Row._mapping` attribute. .. seealso:: :ref:`tutorial_selecting_data` - includes examples of selecting rows from SELECT statements. .. versionchanged:: 1.4 Renamed ``RowProxy`` to :class:`.Row`. :class:`.Row` is no longer a "proxy" object in that it contains the final form of data within it, and now acts mostly like a named tuple. Mapping-like functionality is moved to the :attr:`.Row._mapping` attribute. See :ref:`change_4710_core` for background on this change. � �strr r )�name�value�returnc C s t d��d S )Nzcan't set attribute��AttributeError)�selfr"