편집 파일: preloaded.cpython-38.pyc
U -?�f � @ s� d Z ddlmZ ddlZddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ eded ef d �Z e�rbddl mZ ddl m Z dd lmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlm!Z" ddlm#Z$ ddlm%Z& ddlm'Z( ddlm)Z* ddlm+Z, ddlm-Z. ddlm/Z0 ddlm1Z2 ddlm3Z4 ddlm5Z6 dd lm7Z8 dd!l9m:Z; dd"l9m<Z= dd#l9m>Z? dd$l9m@ZA dd%l9mBZC dd&l9mDZE dd'l9mFZG dd(l9mHZI dd)l9mJZK dd l9m7ZL eZeZMeZNeZOeZPeZQe ZReZSeZ eZTe"ZUe$ZVe(ZWe&ZXe*ZYe,ZZe.Z[e0Z\e4Z]e6Z^e2Z_e8Z`e;Zae=Zbe?ZceAZdeCZeeGZfeKZgeEZheIZieLZjG d*d+� d+�Zkek� ZleljmZmeljnZndS ),zRsupplies the "preloaded" registry to resolve circular module imports at runtime. � )�annotationsN)�Any)�Callable)� TYPE_CHECKING)�TypeVar�_FN.)�bound)�dialects)�orm)�cursor)�default)� reflection)�result)�url)� attributes)�base)�clsregistry)�decl_api)� decl_base)� dependency)�descriptor_props)� mapperlib)� properties)� relationships)�session)�state)� strategies)�strategy_options)�util)�default_comparator)�dml)�elements)� functions)�naming)�schema)� selectable)�sqltypes)� traversalsc @ s: e Zd ZdZddd�Zddd�dd �Zdd d�dd �ZdS )�_ModuleRegistrya� Registry of modules to load in a package init file. To avoid potential thread safety issues for imports that are deferred in a function, like https://bugs.python.org/issue38884, these modules are added to the system module cache by importing them after the packages has finished initialization. A global instance is provided under the name :attr:`.preloaded`. Use the function :func:`.preload_module` to register modules to load and :meth:`.import_prefix` to load all the modules that start with the given path. While the modules are loaded in the global module cache, it's advisable to access them using :attr:`.preloaded` to ensure that it was actually registered. Each registered module is added to the instance ``__dict__`` in the form `<package>_<module>`, omitting ``sqlalchemy`` from the package name. Example: ``sqlalchemy.sql.util`` becomes ``preloaded.sql_util``. �sqlalchemy.c C s t � | _|| _d S �N)�set�module_registry�prefix)�selfr- � r/ �I/opt/hc_python/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/preloaded.py�__init__r s z_ModuleRegistry.__init__�strzCallable[[_FN], _FN])�deps�returnc G s | j �|� dd� S )z�Adds the specified modules to the list to load. This method can be used both as a normal function and as a decorator. No change is performed to the decorated object. c S s | S r* r/ )�fnr/ r/ r0 �<lambda>} � z0_ModuleRegistry.preload_module.<locals>.<lambda>)r, �update)r. r3 r/ r/ r0 �preload_modulev s z_ModuleRegistry.preload_module�None)�pathr4 c C sv | j D ]j}| jr*|�| j�d �dd�}n|}|r<|�|�r|| jkrt|t� t� � t j | | j|<