편집 파일: debug.cpython-38.pyc
U )�e� � @ s, d Z ddlZddlmZ G dd� de�ZdS )z� This plugin provides ``--pdb`` and ``--pdb-failures`` options. The ``--pdb`` option will drop the test runner into pdb when it encounters an error. To drop into pdb on failure, use ``--pdb-failures``. � N)�Pluginc @ sD e Zd ZdZdZdZdZdd� Zdd� Zdd � Z d d� Z dd � ZdS )�Pdbz� Provides --pdb and --pdb-failures options that cause the test runner to drop into pdb if it encounters an error or failure, respectively. F� c C sX |j ddd|�dd�dd� |j ddd |�d d�dd� |j ddd |�dd�dd� dS )z&Register commandline options. z--pdb� store_true� debugBothZNOSE_PDBFz(Drop into debugger on failures or errors)�action�dest�default�helpz--pdb-failures� debugFailuresZNOSE_PDB_FAILURESzDrop into debugger on failuresz--pdb-errors�debugErrorsZNOSE_PDB_ERRORSzDrop into debugger on errorsN)� add_option�get)�self�parser�env� r �@/opt/hc_python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nose/plugins/debug.py�options s* � � �zPdb.optionsc C s4 || _ |jp|j| _|jp|j| _| jp,| j| _dS )z<Configure which kinds of exceptions trigger plugin. N)�confr r �enabled_for_errorsr �enabled_for_failures�enabled)r r r r r r � configure% s z Pdb.configurec C s | j s dS | �|� dS )z1Enter pdb if configured to debug errors. N)r �debug�r �test�errr r r �addError- s zPdb.addErrorc C s | j s dS | �|� dS )z3Enter pdb if configured to debug failures. N)r r r r r r � addFailure4 s zPdb.addFailurec C s<