편집 파일: test_unicode.cpython-38.pyc
U �Mg;1 � @ s d Z ddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZ ddlZddlmZ ddlm Z ddlm Z ddlmZ ddlm Z dd lmZ dd lmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ dd lmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlm Z ddlm!Z! ddlm"Z" ddlm#Z# ddlm$Z$ e�r�dd � Z!d!d"� Z%G d#d$� d$e�Z&ej'j(d%d&�ej'j)ed'd(�ej'j)e�o�e d)d(�G d*d+� d+e&����Z*ej'j)ed,d(�G d-d.� d.e*��Z+G d/d0� d0e&�Z,dS )1a> Notes about unicode handling in psutil ======================================. Starting from version 5.3.0 psutil adds unicode support, see: https://github.com/giampaolo/psutil/issues/1040 The notes below apply to *any* API returning a string such as process exe(), cwd() or username(): * all strings are encoded by using the OS filesystem encoding (sys.getfilesystemencoding()) which varies depending on the platform (e.g. "UTF-8" on macOS, "mbcs" on Win) * no API call is supposed to crash with UnicodeDecodeError * instead, in case of badly encoded data returned by the OS, the following error handlers are used to replace the corrupted characters in the string: * Python 3: sys.getfilesystemencodeerrors() (PY 3.6+) or "surrogatescape" on POSIX and "replace" on Windows * Python 2: "replace" * on Python 2 all APIs return bytes (str type), never unicode * on Python 2, you can go back to unicode by doing: >>> unicode(p.exe(), sys.getdefaultencoding(), errors="replace") For a detailed explanation of how psutil handles unicode see #1040. Tests ===== List of APIs returning or dealing with a string: ('not tested' means they are not tested to deal with non-ASCII strings): * Process.cmdline() * Process.cwd() * Process.environ() * Process.exe() * Process.memory_maps() * Process.name() * Process.net_connections('unix') * Process.open_files() * Process.username() (not tested) * disk_io_counters() (not tested) * disk_partitions() (not tested) * disk_usage(str) * net_connections('unix') * net_if_addrs() (not tested) * net_if_stats() (not tested) * net_io_counters() (not tested) * sensors_fans() (not tested) * sensors_temperatures() (not tested) * users() (not tested) * WindowsService.binpath() (not tested) * WindowsService.description() (not tested) * WindowsService.display_name() (not tested) * WindowsService.name() (not tested) * WindowsService.status() (not tested) * WindowsService.username() (not tested) In here we create a unicode path with a funky non-ASCII name and (where possible) make psutil return it back (e.g. on name(), exe(), open_files(), etc.) and make sure that: * psutil never crashes with UnicodeDecodeError * the returned path matches � N)�closing)�BSD)�POSIX)�WINDOWS)�PY3)�super)�APPVEYOR)�ASCII_FS)� CI_TESTING)�HAS_ENVIRON)�HAS_MEMORY_MAPS)�HAS_NET_CONNECTIONS_UNIX)�INVALID_UNICODE_SUFFIX)�PYPY�� TESTFN_PREFIX)�UNICODE_SUFFIX)�PsutilTestCase)�bind_unix_socket)�chdir)�copyload_shared_lib)� create_py_exe)� get_testfn)�pytest)� safe_mkdir��safe_rmpath)�skip_on_access_denied)�spawn_testproc)� terminatec C s8 ddl m} z || �W S tk r2 t�� Y nX d S )Nr r )�psutil.testsr ZWindowsError� traceback� print_exc)�pathZrm� r$ �I/opt/hc_python/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/psutil/tests/test_unicode.pyr q s r c C s� d}t | d�}zhz<t|� t|� t|gd�}t�||d � t|d � W n ttfk rj Y W �dS X W �dS W 5 |dk r�t|� t|� X dS )z`Return True if both the fs and the subprocess module can deal with a unicode file name. N��suffix)�cmdz-2FT) r r r r r �shutil�copyfile�UnicodeEncodeError�IOError)r'