편집 파일: warnings.cpython-38.pyc
U -?�f � @ sn d dl mZ d dlZddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlm Z d d � Z dd� Zddd�ZdS )� )�annotationsN� )� assertions� )�exc)�SATestSuiteWarning)�_warnings_warnc C s t | td� d S )N��category)r r )�message� r �K/opt/hc_python/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/sqlalchemy/testing/warnings.py�warn_test_suite s r c C s$ t jdtjd� t jdtjd� dS )a hook for setting up warnings filters. SQLAlchemy-specific classes must only be here and not in pytest config, as we need to delay importing SQLAlchemy until conftest.py has been processed. NOTE: filters on subclasses of DeprecationWarning or PendingDeprecationWarning have no effect if added here, since pytest will add at each test the following filters ``always::PendingDeprecationWarning`` and ``always::DeprecationWarning`` that will take precedence over any added here. �errorr �alwaysN)�warnings�filterwarningsr � SAWarningr r r r r � setup_filters s r Fc C s0 t jtj||d�� | � W 5 Q R � S Q R X dS )zzAssert that each of the given warnings are emitted by fn. Deprecated. Please use assertions.expect_warnings(). )�regexN)r Z_expect_warnings�sa_excr )�fnZwarning_msgsr r r r �assert_warnings* s �r )F) � __future__r r � r r r r Zutil.langhelpersr r r r r r r r �<module> s