편집 파일: textView.cpython-34.pyc
� e f� � @ s� d Z d d l Td d l j Z Gd d � d e � Z d d d � Z d d d d � Z e d k r� d d l Z e j d d d d d �d d l m Z e e � n d S)zSimple text browser for IDLE � )�*Nc @ sC e Z d Z d Z d d d d � Z d d � Z d d d � Z d S)� TextViewerz*A simple text viewer dialog for IDLE TFc C s) t j | | � | j d d � | j d d d | j � d | j � | sQ d n d f � d | _ d | _ | j � | j | � | j d | j � | | _ | j j � | j d | j � | j d | j � | j j d | � | j j d t � | r%| j | � | j � | j � n d S)aH Show the given text in a scrollable window with a 'close' button If modal option set to False, user can interact with other windows, otherwise they will be unable to interact with other windows until the textview window is closed. _htest - bool; change box location when running htest. Zborderwidth� z=%dx%d+%d+%di� i� � �d z#ffffffz#000000ZWM_DELETE_WINDOWz<Return>z<Escape>g �stateN)�Toplevel�__init__Z configureZgeometryZwinfo_rootxZwinfo_rooty�bg�fg� CreateWidgets�titleZprotocol�Ok�parent�textViewZ focus_setZbind�insert�configZDISABLEDZ transientZgrab_setZwait_window)�selfr r �text�modalZ_htest� r �5/opt/alt/python34/lib64/python3.4/idlelib/textView.pyr s( ! zTextViewer.__init__c C sC t | d t d d �} t | � } t | d d d | j d t �| _ t | d t d t d d �| _ t | d t d d d | j d | j �| _ | j j d | j j � | j j d | j j � | j j � | j j d t d t � | j j d t d t d t � | j d t d t � | j d t d t d t � d S)NZreliefZheighti� r ZCloseZcommandZ takefocusZorientZhighlightthicknessr Zwrapr r ZyscrollcommandZsideZfill�expand)ZFrameZSUNKENZButtonr ZFALSEZbuttonOkZ ScrollbarZVERTICALZ scrollbarViewZTextZWORDr r r r Zyview�setZpackZRIGHT�YZLEFTZTRUEZBOTHZBOTTOM�XZTOP)r Z frameTextZframeButtonsr r r r / s zTextViewer.CreateWidgetsNc C s | j � d S)N)Zdestroy)r Zeventr r r r @ s z TextViewer.Ok)�__name__� __module__�__qualname__�__doc__r r r r r r r r s #r Tc C s t | | | | � S)N)r )r r r r r r r � view_textD s r c C sz y. t | d d | �� } | j � } Wd QXWn2 t k rb t j d d d d | d | � Yn Xt | | | | � Sd S)N�r�encodingr zFile Load Error�messagezUnable to load file %r .r )�open�read�IOError�tkMessageBoxZ showerrorr )r r �filenamer"